<p>Do you guys know if CMU will consider ur 2nd choice if they reject ur 1st choice? Like, I know some schools don't even look at the 2nd choice at all, once the applicant is rejected from the 1st choice</p>
<p>They will consider it even if you DO get accepted to your first choice. You can get into more than one school and then you’d have to choose which to attend.</p>
<p>Make sure to mention all schools you choose in your essay, and you can choose at most 5 (but they recommend limiting to 3 or so)</p>
<p>alright man, thx for the info. And yea, I’ll probably apply to 2</p>
<p>What if you’ve listed two schools as ‘1?’ </p>
<p>I’ve written my essay on one of them though…</p>
<p>They’ll probably choose the one you wrote your essay on, but I don’t know what they’ll do for sure, because you were only supposed to list one school as your first choice, one as your second, etc.</p>