<p>over 100 hrs of community service last year! </p>
<p>activities include --
NHS member
Student Council President
Varsity Dance Team Captain
Founder Health Information Awareness Club
Ambassador & Leadership Team
Math League
Peer Tutor
(& a TON more) many of which for 4 years + </p>
<p>impressive activities.
great letters of recommendation.
working on some AMAZING essays.</p>
<p>chances ? </p>
<p>any home for early admissions? </p>
<p>any suggestions to get me into my number 1 choice school since i was 5.</p>
<p>I think you have more of a shot for regular decision just based on your test scores. Villanova only takes it's best applicants EA. Your GPA will be seen in a better light coming from a private school, but it is still a little lower than the average for accepted students. Good luck!</p>
<p>Do you think it would be beneficial for me to apply EA since it is my first choice, to show how interested I am? And then just be differed into regular admissions? Theres no penalty to that, correct? </p>
<p>Ive gone for campus visits and tours at both the university and the nursing school, but is there anything at all else that you could think I could do?</p>
<p>Your GPA is slightly low as well as your SATs. I'm a nursing major and my stats were higher and I still got waist listed there. I had a 3.7 GPA and a 1290 on my SATs. It was an extremely long process for me and realize that Villanova has gotten extremely competitive in recent years. I would take the SATs again because you need to get that score up. You might as well apply early action, because they don't reject anyone early. I don't mean to sound discouraging but don't get your hopes up on one school. I'm not saying that there isn't a chance because there is, but just based on my own experiences, I think it might be a little difficult! Best of luck!</p>
<p>You could apply EA, but have a game plan in case you are deferred. </p>
<p>If that happens, you might write an additional essay letting them know it is your first choice, if you haven't already. My D was deferred when she applied in 2000 and that is what she did. My niece got deferred from Georgetown, her first choice, and she did the same thing.</p>
<p>I would def apply regular (it’s probably too late for ea anyway) Nova has a much higher acceptance rate for regular than ea. applying ea with your sat scores would be a big disadvantage. apply regular and retake your sats in December.</p>