1 Fine Arts class required for nursing admission?

Hi - Just saw that University of TN requires 1 Fine Arts class for admission to the college. My DD (junior) didn’t plan on taking one in high school, since her school not only requires high schoolers to take 3 years of a foreign language, but also 2 years of Latin. She doesn’t have many spots for electives and she’s chosen/will be choosing extra math and science classes in those spots. Is this a common requirement? Thanks.

California and South Dakota public universities require a year of high school art for frosh admission (for any major). So it is not unheard of.

UTK website says “Completion of all sixteen core courses is not required for admission but strongly encouraged.”

NYS requires one year of art class or one year of music. In my day, I had to take one of each. Colossal waste of time, at least in my case, but I still got into law school eventually.

She is being compared to those who have taken the fine art and fulfilled the requirement/recommendation so it might be a good idea to get it done senior year. It can be anything choir, photography, painting, design and she may find a new interest

Thank you. Not sure why we didn’t see that it’s only suggested, not required, and my dd emailed the admissions rep, too. Very helpful. She really doesn’t want to take a fine arts class instead of physics, so just going to stick with regular plan.