10 minutes between class. Can I make it?

<p>I have a class that ends at 11:50 at AIME and then a class that starts at 12:00 at Russell hall. My schedule will only be like this for about a month due to ME 121. If I bike do you think I can make it in time?</p>

<p>yes, but you would need to leave immediately</p>

<p>ME 121 is in AIME? </p>

<p>If you have Dr. Todd, she usually let’s you go early. Same with Ashford.</p>

<p>I’m currently in the same situation, I have MATH 227 in Russell which ends at 10:50, and ME 121 in AIME which begins at 11:00. There are openings for ME 121 at 1:00 in GP 227, though. </p>

<p>Would it be recommended to switch to the ME 121 class in GP 227 at 1, or should I be able to comfortably make it to AIME from Russell if I leave immediately? I’ve been debating if I made the wrong choice enrolling in those 2 courses so close together…</p>

<p>Back-to-back classes are somewhat a matter of personal preference. My son has had plenty over the past 2 years, and I think he said at one point that he does not necessarily enjoy them. But, he is one to stay after class and ask questions, or talk with the professor before class starts - that sort of thing. If you do leave immediately, and hurry, it is usually not a problem to actually get to the class in 10 minutes. You will be walking, tho - don’t count on the bus to get you places across campus in 10 minutes. </p>

<p>Thanks aeromom. Google maps says the distance between the two buildings is .6-.7 miles, so I should be able to make it to AIME from Russell in 10 minutes by walking (fast). I’ll give it some more thought tomorrow, may change it to 1:00 to save me the stress of worrying…</p>