10-point grading system...

<p>How many of you guys have it? My school is on the 6 point, 100-94 is an A type of grading, and they are changing it next year to 10 point. But I have no worries because the past 3 years have been on the old system and my school isn't going to go back and change all of the grades. Although I will say that the C+'s I get annually in honors math would become B's...which would help my GPA immensely...</p>

<p>Anyways... thoughts?</p>

<p>Wouldn’t you be happier if they went back and changed it as your grades would improve?</p>

<p>We’re on a 7 point system. 93-100, 85-92, etc…</p>

<p>Wish my school had 10-point, but then again, the 95-100 A is really the only thing that makes the A Honor Roll students look good, seeing as we have a lack of challenging classes.</p>

<p>GUESS WHAT??? Yeah that’s right to help UW GPAs the idiots at my school are making it a 20 point system (then 10 point from 80 on out)…</p>

<p>I am pretty ****ed about that. You guys with 3 pt, 6 pt systems are so damn lucky.</p>

<p>^■■■ lol. A 79.5 A is ridiculous.</p>

<p>Is this how I’m understanding it?
80-100 A
70-79 B
60-69 C
50-59 D
0-49 F</p>

<p>How you can pass with a 49.5 average is beyond me, it’s laughable.</p>

<p>Sorry mate.</p>

<p>^ it’s probably more like:</p>

<p>A 90-100
B 80-89
C 60-79</p>