10 Trying to chose a specific Bio Major. Please help!

<p>So I am currently a senior in highschool
and I want to major in Biology, but i dont know which one to chose
there are many different kinds of bio major offered at UCLA
and I know ALL college classes are difficult, but i wanna try to chose the easiest one
any opinions on which bio to take? please no negative comments. thanks! :] </p>

Undeclared - Life Science
Nursing -- Generic/Prelicensure</p>

<p>It doesn’t matter right now. Once you get here (if you even get in), you’ll figure it out. Just put down Undeclared/Life Science.</p>

<p>Chemistry and Biochemistry are not part of the Life Science Department.
If you do want something easy in the Life Sci department, then pick psycho bio because I heard it was the easiest premed/lifesci major.</p>