1000 signs you are a n00b

<li>If you fall in love......</li>

<li>you wonder what the very applicable stick has been doing with his time away from CC</li>

<li>you actually post in this thread.</li>

<li>you post something that's already been done!</li>

<li>you've read all 7 pages to know what's been done!</li>

<li>you haven't read all 7 pages and know what's been done!</li>

<li>you take a comment and use the exact opposite.</li>

<li><p>you don't take a comment and us the exact opposite.</p></li>
<li><p>you mistake something that is merely different or opposite in one way for something that is the exact opposite.</p></li>

<li>you challenge me to a game of CS:Source</li>

<p>126: You read all the posts just to find that more than half of them apply to you.</p>

<p>127: if you think you can get into harvard w/ a 1650 SAT score, and 2.3 gpa.</p>

<p>128: if you spent 5 minutes thinking of a witty reply to a word association game.</p>

<li>if you have to spend 5 minutes to think of a witty reply in a word association game...</li>

<li>if you actually take your time to think of a witty reply to this thread.</li>

<li>If you spend 5 minutes thinking of {a witty reply to a}<em>1 {witty reply to a}</em>2 {witty reply to a}<em>3 ... {witty reply to a}</em>n word association game. </li>
<li>If you don't like recursion.</li>

<p>132: if you use the word witty (oops).</p>

<p>133: if you continually post the word "....combustion engine" in a certain word association thread...:/ ( i won't name names) lol</p>

<li>If you dislike combustion engines.</li>

<p>135: if you can't think of a good noob sign to post so you just say that you can't think of a good noob sign to post.</p>

<p>136: if you post here durnk.
137: if you realize the significance of this number.</p>

<p>what's durnk. lol</p>

<p>138: if you sarcastically correct other peoples post mistakes ( oops, guilty).</p>