11 Schools, will I get into any with these inconsistent stats?

<li>no desire/don’t care</li>

<p>** would be satisfied</p>

<p>*** would love to go here</p>


<li><p>George Mason (3.32, 1100, 70%, 79) 73 *</p></li>
<li><p>James Madison (3.6, 1160, 63%, 89) 80 *</p></li>
<li><p>Virginia Tech (3.6, 1200, 70%, 88) 75 **</p></li>
<li><p>Northeastern (3.5, 1210, 42%, 92) 79 ***</p></li>
<li><p>U Washington (3.7, 1220, 70%, 91) 79 **</p></li>


<li><p>U Maryland (3.8, 1250, 50%, 93) 76 **</p></li>
<li><p>William and Mary (4.0, 1330, 35%, 97) 89 **</p></li>
<li><p>Lehigh (3.7, 1300, 40%, 96) 77 **</p></li>
<li><p>U Michigan (3.7, 1300, 60%, 95) 83 ***</p></li>
<li><p>U Virginia (4.0, 1320, 40%, 97) 87 ***</p></li>

<h2>11. NYU (3.6, 1310, 35%, 95) 85 ***</h2>


<p>Cumulative GPA: 2.9</p>

<p>Yearly GPA: (2.9, 2.2, 3.6, 2.9 first quarter/ 3.6 second quarter midterm)</p>

<p>New SAT: 1930 (690 Math, 670 Writing, 570 Verbal) = 1290 on old 1600 Scale</p>

<p>Math: 700</p>

<p>Physics: 700</p>

<p>EC: Web Design Club Founder & President, Habitat for Humanity</p>

<p>Smithsonian Volunteer, Janmedia/Web Design Company Job</p>

<p>International Experience</p>

<p>What are the numbers in parens in the school lists?</p>

<p>(GPA, SAT, Admissions Rate, PrincetonReview's Selectivity Ranking) Academics Rating</p>

<p>Interesting, where do you find the average gpa information for each school?</p>

<p>nicolas chung: u are cool now</p>

<p>princetonreview. Don't know if they are completely accurate but they offer general guidelines. So my chances? lol</p>

<p>UMich is a far reach due to out-of-stateness. UVA is still a reach, but not so much. If you have Dynamite essays and amazing recs, I'd say you have a decent shot at Northeastern.</p>

<p>That's all I know though.</p>

<li><p>George Mason - Match</p></li>
<li><p>James Madison - Match</p></li>
<li><p>Virginia Tech - High Match</p></li>
<li><p>Northeastern - Match</p></li>
<li><p>U Washington - Match</p></li>


<li><p>U Maryland - Probably Reject</p></li>
<li><p>William and Mary - Not a chance</p></li>
<li><p>Lehigh - Very likely reject</p></li>
<li><p>U Michigan - Not a Chance</p></li>
<li><p>U Virginia - Not a chance</p></li>
<li><p>NYU - Not a chance</p></li>

<p>If you have a 2.9 how is any of your schools a safety? Maybe GM that's it for safeties. I think I'd put #2-#5 in a reach/match category.</p>

<p>George Mason: Accepted
Tech: No
UVA: No Way
William and Mary: No Way

<p>GPA is too low for consideration to most of these schools. You MAy get waitlisted at JMU but won't get off the waitlist. Sorry, just my prediction. I hope you prove me wrong. Good Luck!</p>

<li><p>James Madison (3.6, 1160, 63%, 89) 80 </p></li>
<li><p>Virginia Tech (3.6, 1200, 70%, 88) 75 *
<li><p>Northeastern (3.5, 1210, 42%, 92) 79 **</p></li>
<li><p>U Washington (3.7, 1220, 70%, 91) 79 *


<li><p>U Maryland (3.8, 1250, 50%, 93) 76 *</p></li>
<li><p>William and Mary (4.0, 1330, 35%, 97) 89 *
<li><p>Lehigh (3.7, 1300, 40%, 96) 77 *</p></li>
<li><p>U Michigan (3.7, 1300, 60%, 95) 83 *
<li><p>U Virginia (4.0, 1320, 40%, 97) 87 *
<li><p>NYU (3.6, 1310, 35%, 95) 85 *

<p>No to to all of the above, i cant belive you're serious. good luck.</p>

<p>George Mason and Northeastern look like your best bets but neither of them are safeties in the least. Find some matches and safeties, stat.</p>

<p>Your list is pretty top heavy and you don't seem to have a real safety. Unless you have a really major hook, or can adequately explain your GPA inconsistancies, I agree that you should re-evaluate your list. </p>

<p>If you can give us some idea of your interests/majors, maybe we can make some suggestions.</p>

<p>yea... u need a new list with all your reaches removed, matches 3-5 listed as reaches and work down from there... lol and the scores you listed add up to 1260 old sat scale</p>

<p>Okay, as they say beggars cant be choosers, okay so lets think, UVA in state requires at LEAST above a 3.6, hmm you're not there, your SATs are uhm, kind of average, below average for UVA, michigan will discard your app before they even read your stellar essays, i dont think you get it--you want to apply to a top 25 university, make that universities, without a sub 3.0 GPA, do you get it, you WILL NOT GET IN!! Even mason won't be easy. no way will you get into any of those schools, talk to your guidance counselor because you're WAYYYY off, if you do well where you go you can always try to transfer. i still don't get what you're thinking, you WON'T slip through the cracks at these schools, it dosent happen, you need to rethink where you're going because you do not have the stats to go where basically everyone WANTS to go. you need to be realistic.</p>

<p>sweet was a little harsh, but is on the right track. your SAT scores are definitely above average (to the general public, atleast), and wouldn't even be a problem if you had a higher GPA, but that 2.9 is going to keep you out of a lot of those schools unfortunately.</p>

<p>what about a 3.7, 1980 at U Mich for an international student?</p>

<p>Taj: Although we're hijacking this thread, I have to say that your gpa is fine for UMich. Your SAT scores a little low, but that shouldn't hurt too much. As an international student, your ability to pay WILL affect your acceptance chances. Don't plan on getting any financial aid from UMich.</p>

<p>sweet is more than harsh - shes a total jerk. you can tell people how it is without being so stuck up and annoying about it. she has no excuse for trying to talk down to you. That life lesson said, yes you will have trouble with a 2.9 GPA BUT YOU HAVE OPTIONS. If you really want to go to one of these schools you have listed, apply but also apply to other schools that are true "safeties" to your stats. If you dont get in where your want you can ALWAYS transfer. best of luck :)</p>

<p>2.9 is better than me don't worry about it, George Mason I think is a safety for the others it will be tough</p>