12 Honors Credits First Semester

<p>Looking over my S’s schedule I see that 12 out of his 16 credits are honors credits. Is this too many or are the honors classes not necessarily more difficult? Here are the honors courses he is currently enrolled in:
CS 150 (2) Honors Programming I
Eng 103 (3) Honors Freshman English Comp
Mth 145 (4) Honors Calc I
Engr 142 (1) Accel. Engr Concepts/Design
UA 103 (1) Alabama Action
UA 120 (1) Honors Explorations (pass/fail)</p>

<p>Here are his remaining classes:
Engr 111 (1) Engineering for the Future
CS 121 (1) The Discipline of Computing
CS 160 (1) Computer Science Concepts
MUA 169 (1) Mallet Ensemble (Percussion Ensemble)</p>

<p>The only classes that are not ‘required’ per se are the UA120 and the MUA169. Everything else is pretty well set for a first semester CS major. The only question really is if it is too demanding to be taking 4 departmental honors classes at once.</p>

<p>Wow! That is 10 classes. He’s going to need a lot of notebooks! ;)</p>

<p>Actually, that’s pretty smart. It’s very hard to get the honors credits in once you get in depth into your major. Also, there are not many honors courses in your major as you advance, either. Alabama Action will be done after a month. He’ll have to write a short paper after the volunteering. I think some of those freshman engineering courses actually end a little early and may not have exams. So, really, exam time will be a killer with ten courses, and yes, he will have a lot of notebooks. Look for him to lose weight, because he won’t have time for eating, and he’ll be doing a lot of walking. But actually, this is a pretty typical schedule for a freshman engineering major, and he’ll be ready for the years to come. Wishing him lots of luck and you should be so proud of him jumping in with both feet!</p>

<p>How much work are these 1 credit classes? Are they project based? Are there tests/papers/finals? DD is looking to be in the class of 2013, and her 1st year requiredments would include a lot of these. </p>

<p>DD1 has taken several 2 credit courses for the honors program at her college, and they are as much work as 3 credit classes. Just wondering how these 1 credit classes compare…</p>

<p>i agree with trying to get in the honors clases early. maybe not THIS many, but do try to get as many as possible the first year.</p>

<p>my DD came in with a lot of the basics and she is finding it difficult to get the honors hours she needs.</p>

<p>the 1 hours classes can vary a lot in the time required, i am sure. my daughter took one that required almost nothing, but you surely can’t count on that.</p>

<p>Mike, my som is coming in with many credits, and he is finding that it will be hard to get the honors courses in. It seems like they will all be electives.</p>

<p>you can do 6 hours of honors by contract (i think in 300 or 400 level classes). that helps.</p>

<p>picking up a few of the one hours classes here and there will help too.</p>


<p>Right…and Bama let my son use his REU experience at another school as a Honors 400 by contract class.</p>

<p>^^^Excellent info M2CK and MikeW…thanks</p>

<p>Vlines, isn’t your son in CBH? Maybe I’m mistaken, but I thought CBH would satisfy all but the 6 hours of UH seminar courses. Anyone know?</p>

<p>^^^I think that’s correct, Beth. Son is CBH, but still needs to take 5 hours of seminar classes. Only one he’s had so far is Alabama Action, which gave him 1 credit. </p>

<p>Other than CBH, the only other honors classes he’s taken were the intro engineering classes that were offered as honors.</p>

<p>I recommend the OP go ahead and keep those seminar classes for sure, especially if they’re scheduled for them. Very tough to get those honors seminars in as you progress in engineering.</p>