<p>I feel horrible because i scored a 1350 on my sat, when i expected to get atleast a 1500 since i scored a 1490 on my PSAT. No, i did not take any prep classes (due to $$ and other big reasons), but i did study the math section of the official SAT study book. I already signed up for the June SAT and I will take it again in Oct/Nov when it's available. I just wanted to know my posibility of getting into a GOOD business school (may not be the best business school/university, but is well known and can provide me what I need to become successful). I want to major in Finance, and since I live in New York, I want to remain here for my future college. I dream of working on Wall Street or Park Avenue and becoming an Investment Banker (or atleast a job that's highly regarded and will make me 6 figures in a couple of years). and I KNOW it's not easy and that it is VERY selective for college students who can maintain a 3.5 and go to the BEST B schools. The schools I would love to attend is Gabelli (Fordham) - and even Stern (NYU) and Cornell Uni (thats a stretch for me), but that dream seems far from possible because I know they accept students with 1800+ scores and 3.5+ GPAS. </p>
<p>I am currently a Junior and this is what i've accomplished so far - I want to know if my accomplishments/ EC's will somehow out weigh my horrible SAT score I heard that many students with low scores get into really goo schools, based on their EC's ad other factors.</p>
Freshman year - I took all regular classes (well, I was put in BASIC math and English by my school D:) and i ended the year with an 88%.
Sophomore year - I took all regulars and one AP (APWH) and scored a 3: I ended the year with a 90% average, which is the first time in my life I had first honors :)!
Junior year - I am in english honors and take APUSH. My grade went downhill and its currently a 83%(I hope to make it atleast 85 for the last quarter) -
My cummulative GPA is a 87% for all 3 years (on my transscript) and I rank 102/332 in my class.</p>
<p>EC(Extracurricular activities) and accomplishments:
I am Secretariat of Model United Nations Club in my school, i am apart of the Service Society Club, and future Alumni Club. All of which since my Sophomore year. *I have won two awards: Outstandig Delegate and a Verbal Mention(the latter of which was at Columbia University) - I have a little over 50 hours of community service since 2013 - present (i know, not that impressive, but its something) - and the in last club: i personaly raise $1,000 for my school)</p>
<p>JOBS (Best part):
THIS i where I am strong and this is what I want you guys to judge and let me know if this is what can save me and make a college admission person accept me.
I have had an Intership at a very well endowed financial firm near Wall Street summer of 2013. I was accepted to a intership program during my junior yer and commited many Saturday's at workshops for job readiness and resume fixing; I had a tutoring job thorugh out my Junior year which was 3 days a week after school for first graders; I was elected Treasurer of a public elemantary school in October of my Junior year (and still am) and is committed to the school by attending PTA meetings, and being a part of the school's leadership council and attends monthly meetings where we make acedemic decisions and plan out programs for the students and parents. And the best one (which is not confirmed yet because we havent set up a interview yet) - but my resume was sent to KPMG (one of the largest professional services companies in the world and one of the Big Four auditors) by my intership program thing that i mentioned before and I was told that they reviewed my resume, and is interested in me - and i will be called by the end of may for an interview. For this "What Are My Chances" - lets assume that I end up getting the intership and can add it to my Junior year Job list(which I have hopes that I will).</p>
<p>Now, consider my 87% GPA, my low SAT score, my great EC's, and the fact that I come from a (very) low income family, my mother is the only one who supports me financially, and I am a first generation black female whose parents do not have a college education.</p>
<p>Thank you for reding this and please give me your honest opinion on my chances at getting into a good business school in NYC. And can I be successful if I attend a regular business school in New York?</p>