1580 SAT??? My chances for UCs?

<p>Applied to UCD UCLA UCSC UCSB</p>

<p>UW: 3.6
W: 3.7
UC GPA : 4.035</p>

<p>SAT: 1580
ECs: basketball 2 years, volleybal 1 yr, track 1 yr, SRLA 1 yr, volunteered at a nonprofit helping kids for 4 yrs 1000+ hours</p>

<p>Sorry to say, but your chance of getting accepted to ucla is slim to none</p>

<p>Just to be sure, is that out of 2400 or 1600?</p>

<p>it is out of 2400 I plan on retaking it this december though</p>

<p>UCD - Low Reach
UCLA - Out of Reach
UCSC - High Match
UCSB - Low Reach</p>

<p>UCLA: high reach
UCD: low reach
UCSB: low reach
UCSC: match/high match</p>

<p>lets say I bump my sat to 1900? will that give me more chances for UCLA and UCSB?</p>

<p>for UCLA it’ll still be a reach, but for UCSB it’ll a match/high match</p>

<p>I am in the same situation as you are in with a 1600 SAT, but I do hope that personal statements will help in their decision, especially since I had my English read it and it brought her to tears. Good luck!</p>

<p>UCSC: Match
UCD: High Match/Low Reach
UCSB: High Match/Low Reach
UCLA: Very High Reach</p>

<p>Wish you luck.</p>


<p>UCD - Low Reach
UCLA - Out of Reach
UCSC - High Match
UCSB - Low Reach</p>

<p>With a 1900 SAT:
UCD - High Match
UCLA - Reach
UCSC - Match
UCSB - High Match</p>