<p>I would like lots of positive opinions and answers for this is very important for me in finishing up undergrad at CSULB. I am currently good standing and taking 18 units right now for spring 2014.</p>
<p>I anticipate on graduating December 2014 (after Fall semester)</p>
<p>I just need to take 32 unit. I plan to take 16 over summer sessions and 16 in my last fall semester.</p>
<p>I know this is insane for summer. I am just planning to finish up as soon as possible so I can get into the credential program and also to get a good job and get out of my current financial struggle.</p>
<p>I know many students avoid summer sessions especially taking this load of units. I would like to hear actual people who have experienced it in the past. I know its doable but will be a lot of work and condensed. Please let me hear your experiences with a lot of units over summer before I start enrolling for summer courses.</p>
<p>If I just do this and pass all my class, I will continue to be on good track for graduation. Once my topic is strictly on opinions and experiences taking 16 units during summer at CSULB.</p>