1690 SAT, chances

<p>hey friends,</p>

<p>my friend (aka kadoodler on this thing) and i were told by some ppl to see what this is about a few weeks ago and we r curious beings. brave ones too (hehe). haneyways........</p>

<p>white female

<p>SAT: 1690 (def. taking it next time)</p>

<p>EC: varsity track 3 years so far, 4th next.
paid work for two years</p>

<p>GPA: 3.6</p>

<p>uc davis/pepperdine/loyola marymount/ parents want me to apply to stanford but what are they thinking.</p>

<p>anyways kadoodz and i were told to try this out and apparently everyone here is a genius</p>

<p>well i'm not a genious....
i'm actually an international student(maybe in a more adverse condition than the US students).....SAT score is only 1980....GPA average score sucks.....and loads of problems such as slow reading, poor writing skill, difficulties in english conversations and presentations...and so on...
.....but I'm still holding onto my hope in going to a good and suitable university in US
because it is the overall "eliteness" and "diligence" that is evaluated in US colleges......according to several 'college experts'
So don't lose hope, and remember you guys in US are in a much better condition to prepare for US univs....all the resources....teachers....and the education policy......
Anyways......//I think it is possible to go to a high-ranking college if you have extra achievements that will restore the lacking parts in your SAT score(well...frankly....I think u need more work to be done to improve this one) and your GPA score.</p>

<p>What i've said is actually quite general.....but it would be something to be reminded to other fellow students.... : )</p>