18 Credits too much?

<p>Hi all. I am going to be a freshman next year at Miami and I wanted to get some opinions on my proposed first semester schedule: </p>

<p>Intro to Engineering 1 (3)
University Physics 1 (3)
Principles of Financial Accounting (3)
Intro to Business Statistics (3)
Microeconomics (3)
Calculus 3 (3)</p>

<p>Any and all comments welcome :)</p>

<p>My sister took 18 credits last year, and while she had to work hard, is wasn’t THAT bad. But her schedule I think was A LOT easier than this</p>

<p>I’m sure you could do it… I took 18 credits a few semesters ago and got my first A-. But the real question is this: why?</p>

<p>I think you should try to enjoy your first semester. Go with whatever schedule you’re assigned when you get here, and take a break, meet some new people, and have some fun :)</p>

<p>Not sure if Physics has a lab and if so that would be an extra credit. Same with Calculus, so that might make 20 credits…I’d say “too much” for a freshman. You need time to get involved in clubs/activities/make friends.</p>

<p>18 credits your first semester is a bad idea, especially with those courses. College is definitely an adjustment. I took 18 credits my last semester, but half my classes were a joke.</p>

<p>You have nothing on there that can be considered an easy elective.</p>

<p>When I went there in the 1970’s, taking 18 credits was the same tuition cost as 15, so I always signed up for 18 and then dropped my worst class by the withdrawal date. No effect on your GPA. Maybe it’s still that way for tuition costs.</p>

<p>Yep, you can take up to 20 credits without it affecting your tuition.</p>

<p>One thing to note is that the maximum number of credits is set at 17, and then to take more than that you’ll need an override from the dean of your school. I don’t know if they’ll give you an override as an incoming Freshman (they normally check your GPA to make sure you can handle it), but you can try.</p>

<p>Thanks for the advice!! I found a way to make the schedule work with 15 credits.</p>