<p>Hi, I just turned 18 and I want to take the burden of my college tution. I fell in love with a university in England, but unfortunately they dont offer any financial aid to international students. I am willing to take $80,000 in loans, and I know I can pay back, but I need a way to get the loan first. Does anybody have a personal experience with a similar situation? Any advice on how I can obtain this much loan is highly appreciated.</p>
<p>(I know taking that much loan might affaect my career/marriage/etc. , but I am willing to take the risks.) THANKS! :)</p>
<p>Any advice will be appreciate :) BUMP.</p>
<p>It is extremely unlikely for you to get a bank loan for that amount unless you have a co-signer or collateral.</p>
<p>I agree with audiophile.
You may want to look for schools in the US that would allow you to do a year abroad at that university.</p>
<p>If part of the attraction is living in another country, you may wish to take a close look at Canadian colleges, many of which like U Toronto and McGill, are very high quality and extremely cheap by US standards. When my older S was considering them 5 years ago, we realized that he could go to one of those for about $16,000 a year US dollars including everything.</p>
<p>Yeah, I was considering McGill. Is the school expensive by US standards?</p>