18th Birthday Gift suggestions??

<p>I just can't seem to come up with a meaningful gift for my son's 18th... he is getting a great gift, but I would like to give him a small, personal present to go along with it. Something "meaningful". Any ideas for this proud mom ( who is also sad her 1st born is turning 18!!!)

<p>I gave my son a small gift with a lot of meaning when he turned 18 (right before his freshman year of college), and I plan to give it to my other kids when they’re that age, too.
In the Chinaberry catalog, there’s a pocket size photo album that has “People Who Love Me” stamped on the cover. I put in pictures of family and friends and left plenty of pages blank so he could add his new college friends. I wasn’t sure how it would be received (I feared some “OH MOM” eye-rolling), but he REALLY appreciated it. He mentioned that he would take it out whenever he told friends about his family so they could put a face to his stories.</p>

<p>I don’t think we’re allowed to give links on here, but the Chinaberry web site ends in “com” and sells mostly kids books.</p>

<p>sweet idea! Thanks!</p>