1st quarter.. I MESSED UP!

<p>holy hell what a month, i killed myself.
today on my physics test im positive i got lower than a 50, because I completely messed up biggg time, regents lvl physics btw.</p>

<p>for scale english i got consistent 80s...
for physical education i got in the 80s...
on the other side, i got 90 fo rmath (average, but its regents)
i got 95 for scale contemperary business (good)
i got 100 for principles of marketing (elective)</p>

<p>so im quessing its a 87 overall for this quarter, Im pretty sure its gonna hurt my chances alot!!!!!!! for CUNY baruch college whos average gpa was 88!</p>

<p>omfg did i screw myself oveR?? do cuny's look at 2nd quarteR? cuz im gonna work my butt off and get at least a 95 overall for 2nd!! omg!! please tell me what to do! </p>

<p>my gpa is 87, my sat is 1190/1600 (baruch average is 1180), my overall average last year was a 93, this year i started off low!!!!</p>

<p>yeah i wanna know the same thing…I’m a straight A student but got B+s this quarter! I know there are a few other students like me who are in this situation…would that matter?</p>