2.8 gpa end of first semester sophomore year, can I still get into med school?

Hi guys! Currently in my first semester of sophomore year! I was wondering if it was possible to get into med school with a D and 3 C’s on a transcript. At a 2.8 GPA my third semester. I would be retaking the class I received a D in as it was my first ever 200 level bio class due to AP credit. The 3 c’s was in chemistry due to some personal reasons. Since I am only a sophomore and have 2 years and a semester left to do, would it still be possible for me to get into med school with those grades on my transcript? Thanks!

@WayOutWestMom could you please explain the lack of grade replacement.

I enrolled fall 2017 in which they got rid of gpa replacement at my college @thumper1

Never say never.

Possible but highly unlikely right now. You’ve put yourself into a deep, deep hole GPA-wise that may prove impossible to get out of. Start planning right now for 1 or more gap years and make sure you have a viable Plan B career.

You need to earn only As from now on in every science class you take. Every B pushes your med school dream farther away.

If you can get your GPA up to 3.5+ and your sGPA into the 3.4-3.5 range, you may have a chance at an osteopathic med school. If you want a MD, then you’re going to need a grade enhancing post-bacc or a SMP.

I will confidently say you will never get into medical school without at least 1 gap year.

You should focus on increasing that GPA first, med schools are highly competitive even DO med schools.


If there is a will, there is a way.
Even if you cannot get into med school upon graduation, you will have a chance 5+ years after college. You can returning to the race as a non-taditional, at that time, you could retake all those pre-reqs and reapply to med schools.

My sister in law flunked out of college her freshman year. She got her act together and turned it around. She was not able to get into MEd school. She’s a very wealthy dentist now.

Focus on something else for now. Do very well in your chosen major (avoid Biology).
Graduate with a high GPA, work for a few years.
Then, go for a post bacc program.