<p>Hi CC, I was hoping for some input on a sticky situation I find myself in. I currently have a D in a math class. I have a slim hope of bringing it to a C by the end of the intersession.
I am unsure of whether I should drop the class or not. It would be my 2nd W in the class, because I already have one W from the same math class for the Fall semester. However, I am concerned that a C or D will tank my GPA.
I appreciate any responses! Thanks!</p>
<p>If you think your chances of passing the class are slim, you should probably drop the class. Is the class transferable? If not, then it really doesn’t matter.</p>
<p>The class is transferable. My main concern is 2 Ws in the same class. The first was a legitimate excuse, but this one would just be that I might get a D.
I understand that the UCs don’t really mind a small amount of W grades, but I feel like 2 for the same class would be looked on negatively.</p>
<p>What’s your major? GPA? Goals of transferring? My suggestion based on the current info would be to work hard and aim for a B or C. I’m assuming it’s still early in the semester for you. If you honestly think you’ll get a D then maybe it is worth the drop. That’s up to you. Make sure that before you do anything you check your JC’s W policy. </p>
<p>So it’s between getting the second W or getting a C. I can’t really tell you which will hurt your chances more but in either of those situations, it will definitely leave a negative impression at least in this year’s application cycle. The thing is if you get a C, it will bring your GPA down but if you get the second W, you can retake that class and get an A and apply next year with much higher chances of getting into schools you want. I guess it all depends on your current GPA, major you are applying to (how competitive it is), and whether or not if you have any intention of reapplying next year. </p>
<p>Major: Philosophy/Psych (I guess depending on how this goes)
Current GPA 4.00 on 14 units. Now taking 8 units this winter session.
The class is for the winter session, which ends next week. Wednesday (Feb 5) is the drop deadline.</p>
<p>I also wanted to say THANK YOU! for all the responses! I really appreciate how quickly this got answered!</p>
<p>Edit: I have not applied for transfer this year, I will be applying Nov 2014 for Fall 2015</p>
<p>IMO, drop it. If you think you want to go to Law School, drop that sucker ASAP and keep that GPA up. HYS LS >>>>>>>>> UG prestige. </p>
<p>Haha, snorlaz, what was the law school giveaway? the philosophy major?
Thank you for your advice, the only thing you lost me on was the last part, does it mean ‘Harvard/Yale/Princeton’ greater than Undergrad prestige?</p>
<p>Yes i totally agree that you should drop it. Just make sure when you retake the class, get an A. Then it shouldn’t be a problem. </p>
<p>That’s funny haha. Just a random guess. I’m also pre-law and those are two of my favorite subjects! If Math isn’t your best subject, I’d recommend going the Philosophy route for sure. Nothing will prepare you better for the LSAT than majoring in Philosophy. I’m speaking of school subjects of course. HYS is Harvard, Yale, Stanford. Generally regarded as the unmovable top 3. Keep that GPA up around a 4.0 , pwn the LSAT, and you’re set. </p>
<p>Also I am thinking you might be going to SMC from your previous posts/the deadline. I think for you to retake the class for the third time you have to go talk to a counselor to get like a special approval, so make sure you do that before trying to enroll because the system won’t let you. And remember that this is your last chance to retake since they won’t let you do it for the 4th time. Good luck! </p>
<p>Snorlaz: Haha, great minds and all that right?
CAL: I am a SMC student, and I am going to speak to a counselor tomorrow.</p>
<p>Thank you everyone!</p>
<p>Edit: For any future people in my position (hopefully none!), I have found the SMC policy on repeats. CALmcb2014 is correct, a third time needs counselor approval.
<a href=“http://www.smc.edu/StudentServices/Counseling/Documents/Course%20Repeat%20ALERT12-18-12.pdf”>http://www.smc.edu/StudentServices/Counseling/Documents/Course%20Repeat%20ALERT12-18-12.pdf</a></p>
<p>I looked at UCLA’s transfer requirement, and found out that there is no specific math course you have to take. I think you should just drop this math class, and take another one nest semester. Or you can take it again with administration approval. I think that you would do better the third time around though. Since you will have more time to study.</p>
<p>It’s pretty easy to obtain approval to take a class for the 3rd time at SMC. I should know; I had to do so for a remedial algebra class. Thankfully, I passed it on the 3rd try.</p>
<p>IMO Drop it,a W won’t hurt you GPA. I had a similar situation but in remedial math I had to drop it twice, Im actually taking it for the third time this winter and passing it thank goodness. You should look into another math if your top schools do not require a specific math course for your major, maybe another class will better suit you. </p>
<p>Thank you again to everyone for their advice! I am really lucky to have you guys as a resource, and I want you all to know how thankful I am that you took time out of your busy lives to help me out!</p>
<p>Here is how it went down. I spoke to my professor to see if there was anything I could do. Unfortunately there was nothing. I also talked with a counselor at SMC, who said the exact same things you all did. So, I came home and promptly dropped the class. I am on the wait list for a different transferable math class, so hopefully it works out!</p>
<p>Thanks everyone again!