2 "F"s! rescind admission no doubt!

<p>My brother is a senor this year and according to him he got the following grades...
AP calc 61%
Ap stats 72
Ap chem 79
AP English 86
Hnrs phys 98
Spanish 84
Gym 100
even though his grades are not hot he has a 89% weighed gpa FOR THE YEAR.. since the school district is stupid he cant really drop of even FIX this.
I told him that he wont get in with 100% "sureness." they will take away his admission decision.
My mom told me he is in a serous depression (he is going to go to see a doctor) and I need to know if i was right about them rescinding his admission </p>

1. he can not fix the grades due to the school's rules
2. he was not slaking off (my mom would shoot him), I did tell him that it would be more than he can handle
3. Rutgers is the only option for us... if he does not go there he will not go to college at all and will be sent back to Kenya.
4. community college is not an option
5. No medical reason... he tryied his best but it was not good enough
6 He can get a letter sent from his GC

<p>SO I think he is done for... poor chap, all his work is now down the drain.</p>

<p>Yes he will get his app rescinded with “100% sureness”. the only thing is that we have 6000 people interning every year and I dont think they have time to look at every grade that they get. So it is a matter of whether they see it or not. ASK IF ANYONE GOT RESCINDED WITH GRADES THAT LOW. I would know because I have very similar Grades.</p>

<p>I see one F. He still has the second half of the year to get his grades up. Stop panicking; it doesn’t help matters.</p>

<p>He’ll be fine. They might send him a warning, I’d be absolutely stunned if they rescinded his admission. Just relax, stop saying he’ll definitely get the boot it’s incorrect and it puts a useless weight on his shoulders.</p>

<p>Speaking as a Guidance Counselor, he should find an AP review book, community college textbook, or website that will help him understand the material since the 2nd semester of Calculus builds on the 1st. </p>

<p>He should also do his best in all 2nd semester courses (avoiding senioritis completely) so he can present the best grades for possible evaluation by the admissions committee to show overall continued academic progress.</p>

<p>I don’t see any strong likelihood of rescinding unless your brother lied in the Self-Reported Academic Record, and stated that he received higher grades than he actually did. Rutgers requires students’ transcripts only after acceptance - they are too huge to study every application that carefully. If there are discrepancies, they reserve the right to rescind the acceptance. I wish your brother the best.</p>

<p>if he puts in the work 2nd semester he shud be fine</p>

<p>I dont think the grades can change from an F, an F is below a 70 at the school and even if he got a 100 the next quarter and the final he would only get his Avg to a 72, I really dont think he can get a 100 in both the final and the quarter so the F is going to stay… He has too many Cs right now. I am very worried about him… Please give me your opinion so that I dont give him misleading or falsely hopeful advice, he cant handle another disappointment so I dont want to excite him (as you can see from his tough schedule he is very nieve and gets exited easily only to be disappointed). So please understand I am trying to be as realist as possible (which is a pain to me as well :frowning: )
Do continue commenting, Rutgers is the most open group in CC… unlike the Yale forum -__-</p>

<p>NASA stop trolling.</p>

<p>^Lol but that is messed up… NASA, he will get kicked whether you like it or not it is a matter of what is he going to do and I think it is up to him.
I am being “realist” as you say, I myself got hurt by fluffy comments and “you might” sentences… I am giving it to you simple and straight.
Does any one second that?</p>

<p>Sample post, Sept 2010, NASA26:</p>

<p>"Hello everyone I was wondering if my chances would increase if I stated I was royal blood. But the problem is that my family’s power collapsed after the communist “revolution” (more like oppression)… "</p>

<p>ok, next.</p>

<p>(quite an amusing ■■■■■, as far as trolls go…)</p>