2 quick letter of reccomendation questions

<li><p>One of my recommending teachers had said I spelled her name wrong on the Common App website and she had to redo it... I never thought I spelled it wrong, and when I look at the school forms section everything is spelled correctly. It says that she submitted it back on 11/13... could any issue have arisen here? If I HAD spelled her name wrong on the school forms, and she changed it, would it submit correctly?</p></li>
<li><p>My other teacher is mailing the letters. I addressed them using the addresses on the Common App website, which had the actual address, but not the title (Office of Admissions and Financial Aid). So I basically just made the titles up (Stanford Undergraduate Admissions). Could this be a problem? Or will they get it as long as the actual address is right?</p></li>
