<li><p>a friend of mine who is a much weaker applicant than i am (don’t ask me why or how i think this is so, it just is.) was rejected from cas and deffered to lsp. i received no such notice. can i safely assume i have been accepted? i dunno i guess this is a subjective question that’s more just to settle my nerves before decisions come out…</p></li>
<li><p>the more important question i really wanted to ask. Who’s applied to GLS? it’s new i know, but does anyone know if it’s supposed to be subpar from original cas or better? i have absolutely no idea and only applied cuz i liked the junior year overseas thing. any info/opinions will be appreciated!</p></li>
<p>re: 1</p>
<p>no. you can’t assume anything. admissions committees are looking for a lot of different things. they’re also human. they could see potential in your friend to succeed in LSP, which is why they offered them acceptance. you COULD have gotten accepted. or LSPed. or rejected. </p>
<p>your friend could have had good essays or good recommendations. </p>
<p>just because someone “weaker” got in, that doesn’t mean squat.</p>
<p>You can’t apply to LSP.</p>
<p>Pdb is referring to the Global Liberal Studies program, a four year program that you CAN apply to.</p>
<p>[Global</a> Liberal Studies](<a href=“http://gls.nyu.edu/page/home]Global”>http://gls.nyu.edu/page/home)</p>