2 Ws, failed first semester GPA, A lot of E.C

Should I drop my microbiology class and get a ‘W’ for this semester? This semester I’m taking Physics III + lab (for Physics engineer) , Linear Algebra and Differential, and Microbiology + Lab. And I’m also in a coding club in which we are developing a game. I’m a computer science major, so Microbiology class is not part of my main major class. I only took it just because I thought it will help me boost my GPA AND it was recommended, BUT not necessary, for Cal Poly SLO in the assist.org website. But if I keep taking Microbiology there is a high chance I will get a B for physics AND microbiology, reducing my GPA.

Right now, I have a 3.54 GPA and I REALLY want to transfer into Cal Poly San Louis Obispo (They have an average acceptance rate of 3.50 for CS/engineering major), with a computer science degree. If I do drop Microbio, get a W, and only take Physics III + Lab (3+1 unit) and Linear Algebra and Differential class (5 unit), my GPA will rise up. But if I don’t drop Microbiology (5 unit), my gpa will drop and probably end up less than 3.50, which lower than the acceptance rate.

Will getting 2 Ws in total hinder my chance of transferring to Cal Poly SLO, or to a decent Uni with a CS major? I got my first W from CS Java 2. The professor was horrible and did not even properly teach his class. He didn’t even teach us anything. He only told us to read the textbook page and work on a programming project that he gave with no example or hints. When the 1st test came, which was a midterm test, I didn’t understand ANYTHING! And I worked so hard to try to teach myself, but I did not know how since I was completely new to programming, so I didn’t know how to teach myself programming. T.T The following semester I took Java 2, learned how to teach myself by asking other students, and got an ‘A’ with another teacher… this teacher sucks as well cuz’ she can’t explain at all… so I didn’t even go to class, and self studied through youtube and study guide. [In general, CS teachers in my community college is not good, except for 1 teacher, which I took her for Java 3 and got an ‘A’ & I learned A LOT from her within 1 semester and I LOVED IT. My favorite class so far!]

I am applying for transfer next semester, and I heard from many people that Cal Poly SLO prioritize extracurricular activity. Is that really true? I really want to work on developing a game and go to coding events, like Hackathon, but I don’t have time due to Microbiology, which takes A LOT of my study time. And Micriobio is not even Computer science related… [I don’t even know why it was recommended by Cal Poly SLO… and I’m the ONLY tech related major in this class. I had to take Organic Chemistry, which I got an ‘A’ , in order to take Microbio…]

My Extracurricular Activity (E.C.) during community college:

  • 2 years of experience as a math tutor (worked for 10+ hours per week)
  • volunteered in BACF, which is a local fundraising group for 3rd world country, every weekend.
  • Interned at a government job (street and sewer department office) during the summer for 120+ hours and worked with data input, blanket and filing.
    → During high school, I volunteered at UCSF hospital during the summer, and was a tutor at an after school elementary program for kids. In varsity tennis, and volunteered in FBLA (like the zoo).

I really want to put Coding Club, and put developing a game as my E.C. also. This E.C. is the ONLY thing that’s related to my CS major. But, I’m not sure if this will boost my chance of getting in…

However, I messed up my first semester in community college, which I got 3 'C’s (English 1A, CS 110A, and Physics 42 -
which is a prerequisite to get into Physics 4A- which is for physics engineering, the one that my major needs) and one ‘A’ (for Calculus 1) as a result my GPA dropped to 2.61 GPA. I knew that I messed up, and I got crazy paranoid that I failed in life. I didn’t realize community college was totally different from High school, so I studied the same amount as when I was in HS. So, I worked super hard the rest of my 2 years at community college, as a result, I currently have a 3.54 GPA (excluding the class that I’m taking right now) So in total, I have (15 As, 4 Bs, and 3 Cs ← Cs I got only for the 1st semester) After this semester, I finish all my major requirement, and I only need 3 more GEs, which I’m planning to take next semester, while I’m applying for transfer. [But if I didn’t mess up that 1 semester, I would’ve had a 3.89 GPA by now T.T And I truly learned my lesson, and worked hard to boost it back up]

So… should I drop my Microbio class and get a W? Will I still have a chance to get into Cal Poly SLO with 2 Ws and a messed up GPA? But, I have A LOT of E.C., learned my lesson, and worked super hard to raise my GPA back within the 2 years in Community college.

Sorry it’s super long. I’m really paranoid and scared for my future education and as a inspiring programmer.
Sorry if my english is not good… English is not my first language. I hope you’re able to understand what I wrote.

*Btw, I’ve always wondered, (this my sound stupid. I was afraid to ask) but does being a female immigrant from Burma (Myanmar), majoring in Computer Science help my chances of getting into my desired/decent Uni?

Oh! And during high school I was in FHA-Hero club, which I competed in a a culinary competition and won 1st place . BTW, will my high school E.C. help my transfer also? I did so much during HS and I don’t want them to go to waste.

Update: I just dropped my Micriobio class and got my 2nd W. :frowning: It was taking a toll to my health from the lack of sleep. And I really really want to become a really good developer, not a biologist. I want to focus on the development of my future career and rather focus on building a game, which is important to me.

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