<p>Don't forget though that many non-rich kids go to private high school on scholarship. And many rich families would never dream of paying tuition for high school.</p>
<p>And regarding the pell grants and SATs. Bleh! I'm sick to death of the tired old complaint that only rich kids do well on the SAT. The SAT was adopted to LEVEL the playing field. It doesn't take a lot of money to do well on the SAT. It does take focus and respect for school and 20 bucks for the blue book. Just so sick of that nonsense. Wealthy kids do better because their parents are (a) usually fairly smart, and (b) have a work ethic. Duh. People who rail against this reality should just be honest with themselves and our society and declare that Hey! The wrong people do well. To be fair we have to just totally abandon any objective meausure of competence. Anyone can be a doctor! Get rid of board certification if you want to perform surgery. Just be poor and deserving. Get rid of professional engineering licenses to design bridges and jets. Just be poor and deserving. When will the idiocy stop? The SAT is NOT a class barrier. It is a class crasher for those intelligent enough to "get it." Darwin, anyone?</p>