<p>lol. blue, she actually thought about using me…then she came to her senses and is interviewing my cancer survivor RN sister who left her dirtball Jerry Springer-esque truck-driver hubby while doing her pre-op. “Figured I’d better just cut out both tumors at once.” ;)</p>
<p>They can’t rescind her acceptance now, can they? ;)</p>
<p>OT but I was actually able to find a few whole colleges smaller than my HS class of 1200! Actually, one of my criteria for schools back in the day was that I wanted a school bigger than my HS, which wiped out a lots of LACs… Ah, TX high schools! ;)</p>
<p>Great, just great! I used to encourage my D to read this thread for tips, now I am SO happy she doesn’t listen to me. If she had seen that quote, she’d be changing career goals in a flash. I prefer that she would actually believe that all Dr.'s are just as charming and handsome as they are portrayed on TV. They are…aren’t they?</p>
<p>Some exceptionally shallow students might go down the facebook photos saying: normal, normal, uggh…not normal, normal-ish, not even close, normal, could be normal, Star Wars bar scene extra, normal, normal, …but that would be only the exceptionally shallow students.</p>
<p>Edit: I still recall my D’s description of a gal she met on the interview trail…“had never met a brush” and a guy… “had never talked to a live girl”.</p>
<p>This, truly is a shame of biblical proportions. Who wouldn’t give up a first born to be in the room when the Dean meets Curm looking and smelling like Jerry Garcia. :D</p>
I’m o-ffended . I have a gray goatee. He had a full gray beard. He was short and fat. I am tall and fat. Uhhhh. Yeah. Pretty much everything else is the same.</p>
<p>Steeler- Wow, one day down and over a thousand more to go Looks like you not only survived the camping trip but you survived the first day of med school. That’s great!</p>
<p>DD’s incoming class in her satellite location is 20 med students plus 8 dental students…8 girls total. It should be an amazing opportunity to not get lost in a crowd and get great personal attention; if she was not already a go to every class person, I would bet that small class would make her one.</p>
<p>Based on some of her comments she is a wee bit shallow, by Curm’s definition, but you could just say she is honest and observant.</p>
<p>They have fun bonding activities today & tomorrow and then the real work begins.</p>
<p>lol. Imagine me any way you like. This is the interweb, afterall. Young Mr. Clooney on a Harley ain’t bad. I’ll try to grow a mullet for ya. (BTW, I don’t look a lot like Mr. Garcia, either. He was much more attractive. ;))</p>
<p>O.K… She’s packed and gassed up. Air pressure checked. GPS ready. Leaves 6:00 a.m. Nashville. Cleveland. Rest day. Final stop >>> med school. I’ll be nervous as a cat until she gets there.</p>
<p>Wish your D a good trip to northeast. Will it take her 5 days to get there? That is, first day: arrive at Nashville, second day: arrive at Cleveland, and so on?
We are chicken, as we will have a heart attack if DS decides to drive there in 5 days.</p>
<p>somemom, Your D seems to have a great fun now. The students should have a good bonding among themselves very very soon.</p>
<p>If it were my S who is doing it, the schedule would be like this:
First night nashville, second night nashville, …, n-th night nashville, then reluctantly leave nashville, then to cleveland, and new haven.</p>