2009-2011 Capital Projects

<p>Incredible amount of potential projects preliminarily approved.</p>

<p>Top</a> Stories: Despite hard times, new UW buildings get tentative green light</p>

<p>Michigan gets lauded in the NYT for similar projects. Meanwhile most of the comments from the locals are ignorant complaints about "tax dollars". If they could read they would have seen the vast majority of $$$$ is coming from private sources and program revenues.</p>

<p>Barrons I know. UW Madison needs a better publicist (or hire the one in Ann Arbor). I can't read the comments section - typically the lowest common denominator. The private gifts quantities are so impressive. $28m for the indoor hockey facility! I love it. </p>

<p>Tandem Press has long deserved a quality facility.</p>

<p>These contributors are the usual group of ignoramuses who respond negatively to everything and anything associated with UW. I often feel stupider for having read their comments. They shouldn't be taken seriously as representative of anyone but their idiotic selves. </p>

<p>And, btw, Biddy is going to hire a vice chancellor for external affairs. I'm guessing to work specifically with the legislature.</p>