2009 Admissions Decisions

<p>You just mentioned that a lot of kids were wait listed in your school. I just thought it was interesting because supposedly only 80 kids were select wait listed. I know in years past there are two wait lists, a select and a regular but I am not sure this year. She didn't say.</p>

<p>there are two waitlists...the select waitlist and the regular waitlist...if they don't get enough freshman to enroll for the fall they will take people off the select waitlist....if they end up taking all the people from the select waitlist and they need more..then they will take from the regular waitlist....in the past they have NOT taken anybody from the select waitlist..be grateful that you were put on the select waitlist..its definitely worth the wait to come here...i choose spring 2008 admission</p>


<p>sat 2310</p>

<p>SAT: 2000/1330
GPA: 94.0
ECs: I have tons of volunteer and leadership positions, life-long Girl Scout. </p>

<p>I'm so happy that I got in! I wasn't entirely sure it was going to happen...:)</p>

<p>Hm. Well, all the people in my school who got guaranteed transfer also got select wait-list... and by "all" I really only mean 3. But still. Out of 80, it's a bit surprising to me. A lot of my friends ended up just getting admitted though (though, this was not surprising, they all had amazingly high stats... I'm kinda nervous competing with them for spots...)</p>

<p>On a somewhat previously discussed topic, I got into Bing SOM too :) and if I will have to make the decision between Binghamton and Geneseo... I'm still not sure which I'd pick. So Chandler, I guess we are on the same boat, minus the honors stuff for me, sigh... I think my GPA killed it.</p>

<p>Those of you who are undecided between Geneseo and Binghamton go visit the campuses when they are in session. After visiting, the decision was clear for me. </p>

<p>When two schools are academically on the same level as one another you have to look at the other factors like..how happy are the students there? how available are your professors? how large are your entry level classes? will you know your professors and will they know you? Research and internship opportunities? Can you see yourself on this campus for four years of your life? what is the reputation of the school among alumni?</p>

<p>Geneseo was the right choice for me and all of my friends. Go visit when you have an opportunity.</p>

<p>yeah i find it really weird how binghamton is getting more exposure than geneseo.. when geneseo is obviously better... i think binghamton simply has more diversity</p>

<p>I haven't gotten a decision from Bing yet, but even if I were to get in, I would pick Geneseo over it. Academically similar, but Bing's environment seems slightly oppressive. I don't know, that's just the impression I got.
Though, if I get into Bing Honors and don't get into Geneseo Honors, I might change my mind.</p>

<p>chandler -- if you don't mind my asking, do you apply separately for the 'honers' program at Geneseo or at Bing? You and my S seem to have a few schools overlapping incl. Bing and Gen.</p>

<p>Accepted RD</p>


<p>GPA-88 (3.3)</p>

<p>Student Gov't, guitar and martial arts.</p>

<p>Lots of courses senior year with double AP science. It was a big reach but I guess I managed to slip through.</p>

<p>Yeah, was I supposed to apply for honors program or would I automatically be considered if I had the credentials?</p>

<p>You're automatically considered and then invited to apply---what happens from there is up to admissions again, I think.</p>

<p>My S also got select wait list with guarantee for spring 2010...My question is, even if they don't take anyone off the waitlist for the fall, if they guarantee for the spring, they must mean it, no? Or does anyone have other information? My son got into Bard EA IDP, but we are wavering because of the money. Also waiting on Binghamton. Congrats everyone who got in.</p>

<p>select wait list....it means exactly what they state guaranteed admission for spring 2010/ or fall 2010 the choice is yours. You need to return the post card, to remain on the list. You will receive more information, as the time nears. My son received select wait list last year. He didn't end up attending, though.</p>

<p>Select wait list....One more thing, if you attend Spring 2010, they will not really be able to look at transcripts if you are attending say Community College for freshman year Fall, prior to attending Geneseo. If you take select wait list/Fall 2010 admissions, they will look at your transcripts, from wherever you are attending Freshman year, and you must have a 3.0 GPA to get in, regardless of select wait list/guaranteed admissions.</p>

<p>I think anyone with a 2.9 or less in community college might not want to go to Geneseo, thought, it's pretty challenging.</p>

SAT 1390/2110
GPA: 4.0
Every EC imaginable and three school sports.
Good essay/reccs.</p>

<p>Mind me asking, where did he go?</p>

<p>i got into geneseo today! so freakin excited!!i got in through the TOP program..first acceptance so far!</p>

<p>whats the "TOP " program?</p>