2009 APUSH DBQ Question

<p>What are the chances that collegeboard will ask a DBQ question relevant to Obama?</p>

<p>im gonna say very very little. besides being the first black president, he hasnt made too much history.</p>

<p>Dude. No. The chances are 1/x as x goes to infinity.</p>

<p>LOL </p>


<p>Hmmm… I would say 1/10000th chance. =)</p>

<p>So how far does the apush exam go? 2001? '02? Until what time period does the information go up to?</p>

<p>The exam rarely goes past the vietnam war, but the vietnam war is definitly in there. Last years DBQ was about it.</p>

<p>Very little/ABSOLUTELY NOT. In relation to races/race relation, there is little chance it will have anything to do with MLK/Malcom X/Black Panthers because that is 1950s-1970s, and last year’s DBQ was about Vietnam. So they will definitely not do the same time period even though it is a different topic.</p>

<p>So there’s a vertical tangent line at x? :slight_smile: Yay calculus!</p>

<p>And regarding the actual question, I think it’ll be at least 15-20 years before Obama gets put onto a DBQ. He will be in history textbooks, however, much sooner.</p>

<p>There are questions about Clinton though. I wouldn’t be surprised if there is a multiple choice question about Bush Jr. too.</p>

<p>Obama might have pretty good chances of appearing on the APUSH exam 5 or more years later</p>

<p>Yea, there will be nothing on Obama…or Bush for that matter.</p>

<p>What do you think history means? Obama belongs to current event, not history, you might expect that on the AP US Gov Exam, but definitely not APUSH!</p>

<p>so i don’t have to be worried? AMSCO will cover all the topics on the exam thoroughly??</p>

<p>^ Yes, amsco will. Don’t sweat it.</p>

<p>oh ok thanks. how greatly does amsco help on the m.c. section? would i be able to pull of a 60/80 or maybe even a 70/80?</p>

<p>I’m pretty sure that there is no chance of an Obama question, as I’ve heard that the questions were all written about 5 years ago.</p>

<p>haha yea no.</p>

<p>At most, you’ll get a question about something from Bush Jr’s first term. At most.</p>

<p>If you know AMSCO thoroughly you can probably even get an 80/80.</p>