<p>i’m so excited! did anyone get their letters yet??</p>
<p>My letter came. Not like it mattered. lol. :(</p>
<p>Well, at least this gives me some more time to add some more stuff to my file and show some more interest. I think I’ll ask them to move my app into the EDII pool instead of RD. Hopefully they can do that without me having to fill out the ED form again…</p>
<p>good luck, ar! i’m sure good things are in store for you!</p>
<p>Yo ar, you clearly wanna go to Lehigh really badly. I hope you get in! E-mail them often (but not too often) just to keep in touch. I talked to practically a different person every week. Keep the faith, I hope to see you there! I’ve got my fingers crossed!!!</p>
<p>ED1ers who have received acceptance mail-- did it contain financial aid/scholorship info?</p>
<p>Hey, that was weird. I checked the LPAD search again to show my friends how I found out that I got in and my name didn’t come up. It still says Congratulations on the Lehigh Portal.</p>
<p>I know it’s probably nothing but it still kind of freaked me out.</p>
<p>David…that just happened to me also. I wouldnt worry about it…</p>
<p>Got my letter today.</p>
<p>snipps, where do you live? Should I (western Massachusetts) expect mine today?</p>
<p>I got my letter this afternoon.</p>
<p>Got a really nice grant with it as well.</p>
<p>I got my letter today also… my grant wasnt so nice
Looks like I have to decline my acceptance… its pretty upsetting</p>
<p>Wow, seriously? How much did they give you?</p>
<p>1500/year grant
6000/year loans</p>
<p>Christ, that’s terrible. Do you have any idea why they gave you so little?</p>
<p>I really dont know, so I think I’ll call admissions tomorrow. It just stinks because I had my heart set on Lehigh. But, if you dont mind me asking… what were your stats and how was your financial/grant package?</p>
<p>Well, I was under the impression that this aid was need based. I don’t think my school record played a part in it, that’s more for merit scholarship stuff.</p>
<p>Here is what they offered me:</p>
<p>Lehigh University Grant: $33,230 per year
Federal Work Study: $1,750 per year
Subsidized Fed Stafford Loan: $1,000 per year
Unsub Fed Stafford Loan: $1,000 per year</p>
<p>It seems a bit ridiculous when you compare my aid to yours, really. I would definitely call them up and ask about it.</p>
<p>yeah thanks… you really cant compare. Congrats on getting in though! Hopefully I’ll see you there next fall!</p>
<p>Thanks, and good luck to you, friend. I hope you’re able to sort this whole thing out.</p>
<p>… im in
cant wait to c all of you in the fall…</p>
<p>so wats in the application decision packet??
im an intl student and my letter wont be here for like 1-2weeks</p>
<p>and im really worried abt finaid… i need like a near perfect aid package </p>
<p>any other nepalis who got in ??</p>
<p>Ok, so I just opened my letter, and im in. But there is NO other information in the letter besides “your in, and we need $500 dollars by January 9th.” I thought maybe there would be a packet of stuff with dates or events or anything. But there is nothing.</p>