2010 Acceptances and Decisions Thread

<p>ether, the best way to do it is what wis said. Wait until you get here, and around this time to buy (there’s a large selection). The best way is to just take the bus to West Towne (or East or wherever he has the desire) and just shop around at multiple stores. Penny’s, Shopko (?), and so on. Try it on, see how it looks, feels, etc.</p>

<p>Decision: Accepted :)</p>

<p>ACT: 32
APs:5 Human Geography, 4 World History, 4 English Composition, 5 Psychology, 4 US History, 3 Chemistry
GPA: 4.096 W 3.7 UW (Very strong upward trend. A couple perfect GPAs junior year)
Taking most rigorous course schedule senior year, 6 AP courses
Rank: 40 out of 346 at a very competitive high school
ECs listed on app:
President of School’s National Honor Society
Section Editor of School Newspaper
2x Varsity Cross Country (Academic All-Conference
Varsity Wrestling
3x Varsity Soccer
National Council on Youth Leadership
20+ hours of Flood Recovery volunteering (I live in Cedar Rapids)
Vegetarian Club 2x member
Spectrum (LGBT Alliance) 3x member
Young Dems 4x member (several volunteer activities and visits to state capital)
Backpacking Club Co-President</p>

<p>Job/Work Experience:
Coached soccer at soccer club for 3 years
Coached youth sports at Recreation department for 2 years
Essays: Both were just decent… talked a lot about service through SCA (organization that repairs national park trails)
Teacher Recs: Very good. Principle who I am very familiar with wrote a letter of rec.
Counselor Rec:Good. Am pretty close with counselor
Applied on:October 20th
Hook (if any):nope
State or Country:Iowa
School Type, Average Stats of School (if available): 10% of class graduate with GPA above 4.0 (W). School is consistently ranked best school in Iowa, has most amount of AP classes offered in Iowa. Very competitive.
Gender: Male</p>

ACT: 29
GPA: 3.65 uw
5 APs, 3 this year and two honors classes
2 really good essays
bunch of extra curriculars and three sports</p>

<p>Decision: Accepted to College of Letters & Science</p>

<p>gpa: 3.5 (uw)
ACT: 33
SAT: 2110
curriculum: rigorous, took mainly honors classes and 6 APs
recs: 2 (one from a teacher and one from an employer)
ECs: several including a sport and founder of a club
enthnicity/gender/school: white male oos (California) from a large, competitive public hs
other: application submitted on 9/22, all other info in by 10/16</p>

<p>My son checked the web site on Friday and nothing changed. He checked again last night (Sunday) and his decision was posted. </p>

<p>Good luck to everyone and keep believing!</p>

<p>Has anyone who submitted all materials end of October heard anything yet?
Wisconsin resident. Thanks.</p>

<p>^ I applied October 19th and got postponed a week or two ago.</p>

<p>Looks like a solid class is beginning to shape up. How many of you guys accepted are most likely comin to Madison?</p>

<p>My son is very likely to attend. We visited the campus when he was a sophomore and he loved it. He’s always been a Badger fan. Even though we are from California, we have family in Wisconsin and have been there many times. He loves the change in seasons and can’t wait for the Badger football games. We are now trying to figure out dorm preferences. Does anyone have any suggestions? A/C is key for him.</p>

<p>Why is A/C key? Seriously. This is Wisconsin. You’ll be using it for like, a week, and that’s only if you think 80 is unbearably hot. Just get a box fan. You limit your choices to Chad, Friedrick, Ogg, and Smith if you have to have A/C.</p>

<p>And this should be started in a different thread, because it’s a totally different topic, but I’ll go with it. :B</p>

<p>The first decision he should make is if he wants to live in the Lakeshore or Southeast area. Look at it on a map to decide for the location. Don’t think if he’s an engineering major he’ll be spending much time in Engineering or anything similar because that’s not going to happen. And for what it’s worth, Lakeshore is thought of as the home to those that are more laidback/studious, whereas Southeast is home to those who party more. There are both types of people in these areas, but there is *some *truth to it. I do think Lakeshore is a bit quieter on the weekend, as well.</p>

<p>The dorms in lakshore are mostly smaller dorms (around 250 people/dorm) part of a larger community of dorms in the area (TAS, KrOCS, then there’s Bradley and Friedrick). Southeast is mostly larger dorms, upwards of 500 in the dorm. Sellery and Witte have 1,150 people, and you can figure out the rest. </p>

<p>If he’s interested in communities*, he should decide on that now as well. If not, go from the area he wants to live in. Look on the housing website. They list the amenities all the dorms offer, where they are in location to libraries, gyms, and they have a pdf that lists all the dorms, and then the amenities they have in comparison to one another. You’ll receive this information in a housing packet in the mail as well, but I’ll link it anyway. <a href=“http://www.housing.wisc.edu/assignment/pdf/hall_chart.pdf[/url]”>http://www.housing.wisc.edu/assignment/pdf/hall_chart.pdf&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>If price is an issue keep that in mind, because dorms like Smith and Ogg are quite a bit more. Also keep in mind that you’re not guaranteed to get into a dorm, so be prepared to love your backup choices as well, especially if you put popular dorms like Ogg and Smith at the top of your list (but I wouldn’t recommend living there as a freshman anyway).</p>

<p>I can’t recommend any specific dorms because it depend on what area he wants to be in, what he wants to make of his time there, his personality, so on. He’ll figure it out based on what he likes.</p>

<p>*Regarding communities: When time to list your preferences rolls around (which won’t happen for a while, don’t worry), students who list communities (like Chadbourne Residential College, International Learning Community, and so on) in any spot from 1-3 will be offered the opportunity to pick a room in that community before room assignments begin. You’re pretty much guaranteed a spot in that dorm if you want it. It’s nice if you’d like to avoid being assigned to like, number 12 on your list.</p>

<p>Thanks for the quick response. I guess we should rethink the A/C requirement. We have been to Wisconsin many times in the summer and always used A/C. In California it stays hot well into the fall. I’ll have him check out the link.</p>

<p>It’s not really summer when school’s in session. :] In September and mid/May it’s rarely hot enough to warrant the A/C, and if it is, it’s not for weeks at a time. You’re coming from California, so the heat we get then should be nothing to you. =P Plus for the days it does get hot most dens of the dorms have A/C so he can chill in there.</p>

<p>my status still says “we are reviewing your application to ensure we have sufficient materials blah blah blah” even though i sent my stuff in more than 2 weeks ago
should i wait or should i call?</p>

<p>Wait. Mine used to say the same thing for like a month. Now it says a counselor is reviewing it.</p>

<p>A note for all you who are wondering about why you were postponed, denied, etc, etc, etc</p>

<p>A key issue with UW-Madison is WHICH college within the University you are applying to. Some are MUCH easier to get into. For example, I know for a fact that students who apply into an Agriculture program need much lower stats than most of the programs. I know of kids (instate, of course) who are not URM and have gotten into Ag with ACT’s in the low 20s! Meanwhile, I assume their College of Engineering would be much more competitive as well as a great number of the science programs.</p>

<p>Maybe it would be helpful for people to post which program they applied for to avoid some of this confusion.</p>

<p>…A key issue with UW-Madison is WHICH college within the University you are applying to. Some are MUCH easier to get into. …</p>

<p>This is the complete opposite of what I was told by some admission folks at a couple of different face to face meetings they had at my daughter’s school last year, and when we went to Madison for the campus tour.</p>



<p>Ya I think you’re right BBB, this previous statement was false. The University of Wisconsin admits students to the university as a whole, not to a specific college. That way, students can choose what they want to major in. However some colleges, like nursing/pharmacy, have more specific qualifications. However, even if rejected from these specific colleges you can be admitted to the university.</p>

<p>It is true that I spoke wrongly about which college you are admitted to as a freshman (all students are accepted generally into the university) but with some specific majors it is easier to be accepted than others. I am sure this does not impact all students, but it is a factor.</p>

<p>We have postponed a decision on your application. A letter has been mailed that will explain the decision and your next steps. For immediate information, visit <a href=“http://www.admissions.wisc.edu/images/UW_Postponed_Applicant_FAQ.pdf[/url]”>www.admissions.wisc.edu/images/UW_Postponed_Applicant_FAQ.pdf</a></p>


<p>You do not get admitted into your major until after you have attended UW- they have requirements, such as gpa at UW. The impact is on deciding if the risk of not getting into your desired field is still worth attending UW as a freshman. Some business, nursing, specific engineering fields and others are more difficult to get into later as they have space limitations. What you put down as an entering freshman hopeful will not impact your acceptance, they realize everyone can change their mind. Therefore, do not worry about playing a choose the easiest major to get in with game.</p>

<p>First post and first college acceptance!
So accepted </p>

<p>SAT: 2200(740,720,740)
GPA: school doesn’t have gpa but around a 3.4
Took 2 AP’s in high school (school doesn’t really offer ap classes)
2 letters of rec (probably quite good)
OOS - New Jersey
Ethnicity: Asian /Male
Essays - Very good
Other: My school is ranked like 3rd in the country, so that really helped. I had a paid internship with a newspaper. </p>

<p>YAY. Good luck to everybody else.</p>