2010 Acceptances and Decisions Thread

<p>ACCEPTED!! </p>

<p>ACT: 31
UW GPA: 3.19 (majority of classes were level 1/ap so my weighted GPA is aruond 4.75 out of 5)</p>

<p>6 AP classes
2 recs(one from my english teacher so it was probably really good)
my essays weren’t edited or anything and i didnt really spend that long on them, but they were about really interesting topics (maybe that helped?)
Out of state
4 years lacrosse but not much else</p>

<p>took about 7 or 8 weeks to finally find out</p>

<p>UW-Madison was my #1 safety so I was really anxious about this decision. I think what saved me in the end despite my terrible grades was my upward trend. I had a number of Cs freshman year, almost no Cs sophomore year, and absolutely no Cs but several As junior year… I even retook a course over the summer because I got less than a B in it. I think my test scores/number of ECs helped too. I had three recs (AP Art History, AP US History, and AP English Lang teachers from junior year) but my APUSH teacher didn’t give it to me in time so I only sent in two. I think my English teacher wrote a reaaaaally nice one. I’m also an immigrant from Ukraine so I mentioned that I’m multilingual and interested in linguistics/communications. Writing is my strong point so I think my essays were pretty good. I’m still waiting to hear back from USC and UCLA, and I’m still applying to Northwestern, NYU, and Carnegie Mellon… but I will most likely end up at Madison. I’m glad I don’t have to apply to any more safeties though. :D</p>


<p>Gender: F
Location: northwest suburbs of Chicago
High School: Public</p>

<p>GPA UW: school doesn’t tell us but it’s somewhere between 3.3 and 3.5 (guessing)
GPA W: 3.9
Class Rank: 116/560 (top 20%)
Honors: 11
AP: European History (4), United States History (5), English Language & Composition (4), Art History (3), United States Government & Politics, English Literature & Composition, Spanish Language.</p>

<p>ACT: 31 (E: 32, M: 27, R: 32, S: 33, CE/W: 31, W: 10)
SAT: 2090 (CR: 710, M: 650, W: 730)
SAT II: Literature (620), Math I (660), US History (660)</p>

<p>ECs: Orchestra (9 years), Drama Club, Technical Theatre Club, International Thespian Society, Habitat for Humanity, Math Team, Scholastic Bowl</p>

<p>Leadership: Concert Orchestra: Violin I Section Leader, Officer; Honors Symphony Orchestra: Secretary; Drama Club: Photographer/Co-Vice President; Technical Theatre Club: Photographer/Vice President, Stage Manager for several plays/musicals/performances; International Thespian Society: Honors Thespian;</p>

<p>Volunteering: Habitat For Humanity, volunteer at local food pantry.</p>

<p>Honors: Honors Thespian (International Thespian Society), Honor Roll/High Honor Roll, Illinois State Scholar, Prairie State Achievement Exam - Exceeded Standards, AP Scholar with Honor</p>

College of Letters and Science</p>

<p>Out of State:MA</p>

<p>GPA: 3.90 UW
ACT: 28
AP: I am taking…5 APs this year, and took two last year.
Grades: I generally get A’s with a few B’s.
Hook: Experience with difficult situations (family problems)</p>

<p>I am also homeschool, which I guess sets me apart too.</p>

<p>My application was probably completed by mid october. I received a decision about a week before Christmas!</p>

Lena, WI
White Male
Navy Veteran</p>

<p>does uw madison superscore the sat?</p>

<p>No, takes best single test.</p>

<p>They do not superscore.</p>

<p>last year a kid on my block was accepted to Stanford Early Decision, but he was postponed at UW. I do not know his stats.</p>

<p>Seeing how several highly qualified people on here (Cody2010 [rejected], for example, would have easilly been admitted 2-3 years ago) are getting hosed, I think the UW is starting to think that it’s hot **** up there wih Michigan and Cal when in reality, it’s a step below. If they keep getting this selective, it’s going to lose a lot of appeal. </p>

<p>However, I’m reallllly happy I got in 2 years ago, because judging by this thread, I would not have gotten in if I had applied this year.</p>

<p>Your neighbor probably got rejected because Madison knew it was just going to be a safety school, you know? That stuff happens (not a lot)- where schools reject some amazing students so it doesn’t hurt their freshmen enrollment rate thing.</p>

<p>There have been times in history where UW>>UM. It is not beyond a chance that they do that again.</p>

<p>Accepted to College of Arts and Science</p>

<p>GPA: 3.88 UW GPA (upward trend)
ACT: 33
AP’s: 2 junior year, 5 senior year
2 recommendations (both very good)</p>


<p>I applied back in early September and found out in 11 days so I was pretty excited</p>

<p>People, please do not keep citing Cody2010. His stats were more than meets the eye-as was already discussed.
Now, I don’t believe Madison is trying to so suddenly (within the past 2 or 3 years) crack down in its admissions. Unless they have a sudden swarm of ultra-talented applicants, they are basically choosing the same number from the same sort of pool of applicants (although I would like to say that our class of 2010 is extraordinary in may ways). Madison is certainly a school to look at each applicant as a whole- and focuses on grades and extra-curriculars a lot more strongly than other schools I have looked at.
An example is how a student from my school was accepted this year with an ACT of 23- she is not URM, but she did state she would major in Agriculture. Two other students were postponed with a 26 and a 27. Our school is in-state.</p>

<p>I agree 100% with Mondaysun. And no, UW does not practice yield maintenance like a Tufts.</p>

<p>Here’s an interesting fact- taken from the Kiplinger Report linked from the UW home page. UW has 35% of students with an ACT of 30-36. UW ranked 14 by their criteria for instate value (they ranked only public schools)- a monetary, not purely academic ranking. Good reasons to attend if accepted.</p>

<p>S2 was accepted today. First acceptance and he’s very happy about it, as we are. FWIW we are in-state and he had very high SAT and ACT scores and GPA, and the usual accompanying qualifications, so his acceptance is probably not very instructive as far as creating a useful data point.</p>

<p>He has applied to a half dozen other schools, and won’t hear from most of them for at least a couple months, so we’re all relieved that he has such a great acceptance in his pocket.</p>

<p>The great thing about living in Wisconsin in this context is that it made his selection process for schools to apply to much simpler (and cheaper). With a University of the quality of the UW available there was absolutely no point in applying to any other public University, nor to any private school that wasn’t truly outstanding. (Of course, our son’s interests are in computer science and foreign languages, both areas in which Wisconsin has stellar programs; but there are many equally outstanding disciplines available at UW.)</p>

<p>Good luck to all, and On, Wisconsin!</p>


<p>Any suggestions on what I can do to improve my chances?</p>

<p>Get higher grades this Fall would be the main thing but that ship has sailed. Tell them that if admitted UW is your top choice and you don’t need fin aid (kidding–sort of)</p>

<p>Delos- we had the same thoughts four years ago. Son only applied to two other, extremely elite, schools- his choice, not ours. I guess he liked UW and its liberal atmosphere plus running opportunities in comparison to many other options (the mind of a then 15/16 year old). And what Barrons said about the financial need- they don’t care about need in admissions, especially since they don’t offer much aid.</p>

<p>Congrats to everyone admitted!! </p>

<p>I sent all of my stuff in early/mid November and I’ve emailed the office to make sure they have received everything… they did… I haven’t been mailed a decision yet… :frowning:
I’m an OOS in Maryland btw… </p>

<p>Anyone else in the same situation??</p>

<p>January 15th is coming for those who met the early notification application deadline. February 1st is then coming for all applications to be in- then admissions will have all of those last minute exceptionally good students’ applications and can decide how much room is left for the many other good applicants. Patience is required, it could be as late as March 15th.</p>