2010 Acceptances and Decisions Thread



<p>3.58 UW/3.91W, 33 ACT, Top 25%, AP’s, average EC’s</p>

3.6 GPA, 2160 SAT, extracurriculars and 5 AP classes + letters
Chemical Engineering</p>

<p>Reach school, grateful I haven’t been rejected (yet).</p>

<p>^um, UW is not a reach for u.</p>

<p>UW does not superscore test results as far as I know.</p>

<p>teaman did you apply in the first notification period then if you got deferred?</p>

<p>and wow… im amazed your sat is good (compared to my act lol) even though your gpa isn’t stellar… madison must be tough this year eh?</p>

<p>I received a letter from UW Admissions January 25 – I knew right off I was in as it had a big “YES!” on the outside of the envelope. My GPA is 3.9 (on a 4.0 scale) and my three SAT tests combined were 1850. I also had some strong extra-curriculars (including professional acting; CAPPIE Award; Duke of Edinburgh Award; Ontario Scholar) and had done some good summer work at Columbia and Cornell. Still, I was relieved to get in – as an American studying in Toronto, Canada, I wasn’t sure how they would evaluate my course work. I have others schools to hear from, including McGill, Northwestern, UC Berkeley and UCLA, but UW is definitely right up there – I just have to convince my mom it is more than a party school!</p>

<p>AkadaW- congrats! You can PM me if you want her to get parent info to convince her UW is academic as well as fun for students. That red YES on the envelope was nice for parents to know without needing to bug child about it.</p>

<p>My D just found out on-line that she was postponed. She is very disappointed. </p>

<p>I don’t think her first semester grades will be strong enough to get her in and I assume that’s the biggest consideration. Although she had an A+ in AP English, she had a B- in AP Psych and a C in AP Bio. Her other grades were A’s. </p>

<p>She’s going to send her first semester grades to them along with a letter stating why she thinks she would be good for UW. Her GPA still fits within the expected range of admitted freshmen. Her ACT of 27 is a little lower than the average. She has good EC’s, essays and letters of rec. </p>

<p>We’ll see what happens. Hopefully she doesn’t have to wait until mid-March to find out. </p>

<p>By the way, for those still waiting, she applied towards the end of November.</p>


<p>I think I’m about in the same position as your daughter. Was very disappointed to hear I was postponed, and am a little shaky about my semester grades(A’s in AP History, Bio II, Spanish 5…but there’s a B+ in AP English that gave me a 3.75) 28 ACT. Driving me crazy not knowing, especially hearing people with similar statistics. I just sent me grades on Monday, and I’m also hoping they’ll just let me know before March 15. I’d almost rather just get the decline than impatiently wait!!! Best of luck to your daughter, I hope for both our sakes we’ll make the cut!</p>

<p>Good luck GoBucky - </p>

<p>I agree that the waiting is horrible – for the students AND the parents. I remember hearing about all the stress of college admissions and assuming that that type of thing was more for those applying to the big “elite” Ivy League schools. I didn’t think we’d be going through the same thing with our own state school. Live and learn. </p>

<p>Hopefully you’ll hear soon and can move on to the official planning for next year. No matter what and no matter where, it will be an amazing time in your life. Enjoy.</p>

<p>My D was accepted today–yay!! We got the envelope in the mail with the big red yes on the flap–what a great touch! She is a CA resident, top 30% in a very good private HS, GPA 3.65 basically unweighted, with many AP, Honors courses, 1900 SAT, strong upward grade trend with straight A’s in AP Euro, AP English, AP Env Science, Calculus first term Senior Year. Also admitted to University of Colorado, deferred at Wake Forest and University of Miami. Still waiting to hear from many more, but way thrilled at Wisconsin.</p>

<p>I hope she decides to join the UW. Congrats to both of you.</p>

<p>Great news! If you are from Southern California there is going to be an admitted students reception in LA in March. And if you are from Orange County, the local alumuni group is having an admitted student barbeque/student send off in July. If she decides to pick UW- Madison, going to these events may be a great way for your daughter to meet other kids going there as well.</p>

<p>what is OOS?</p>

<p>OOS is out of state</p>

<p>Figured I would post mine. I’ve been getting some useful information from this site so just made an account today. Got my answer in late January.</p>

<p>ACT: 27 (taken once)
GPA: 3.33 Upward trend. (tough school)
Class Rank: Not Applicable (Believe it or not that might be top 25%(
Huge List of EC including Eagle Scout, International Service, Mobile Mission Health Clinic volunteers in Belize etc.
Peruvian Ethnicity.
Father also founded one of the UW Madison college of health and science programs.</p>

<p>My acceptance was not without a condition though, I am attending the SCE this summer and previously attended AAP meetings.</p>


<p>I will post stats later. I submitted my app last week so i was very surprised it came so fast 0.o</p>

<p>sweetpetite, around when did your D apply? I’m surprised by the rather quick notification date!</p>

<p>And same with you Badgerz, you must have exceptional stats! I hope you post them soon…</p>

<p>One reason some people have been kept waiting is for these last minute applications to be submitted. They had to keep spaces available through the end of January. It took about 3 weeks for my top stats son to get his mailed “YES” envelope a few years ago (one or two days for instate mail) from the day he applied electronically in mid Jan.</p>

International Student.</p>

<p>GPA 4.8 out of 5.0
Only a couple ECs and a ‘fine’ essay.</p>

<p>I applied around Mid-December</p>