2010 Acceptances and Decisions Thread

<p>" I can’t believe some of you with 30+ on the ACT and 4.0s are getting rejected/postponed! Anyone know what the reasoning could be behind this? "</p>

<p>Its called being OOS or an International Student.</p>



<p>Coincidentally, I’m an international student with 30 ACT and 3.8 GPA. I was accepted.</p>

<p>It’s probably much more than simply stats. It might even be luck.</p>

<p>I think that 95+% of people with 4.0’s and 30+ ACT’s get accepted. Only when there is some sort of glaring flaw would such a candidate get rejected.</p>

<p>I haven’t posted in this section before but I was accepted today.</p>

<p>Residence in Milwaukee, private school attendee but moved summer before senior year from Potomac MD
3.97 GPA semester final here, 3.89UW/4.63W at public school in Potomac
Biological systems intended major, music and tennis are my main extracurriculars.
french honor society, worked two summers at Stanford university epithelial bio lab.</p>

<p>This is my first acceptance so I’m glad I can go somewhere</p>

<p>man, how long does it take for that envelope to come! I found out I was accepted on Saturday via the app status but my envelope still hasnt come… >:O I want my envelope!!!</p>

<p>Monday was a holiday so no mail went out until Tuesday at the earliest. At least you know. We all had to wait for the envelopes.</p>

<p>Letter was received today in NC. D is very excited to see campus but a little concerned about the difference in climate. Does anyone know what % of OOS are from the south?</p>

<p>Congrats to your daughter, NCDanceMom! At one point I saw a chart with %'s from regions, but can’t remember where. Not many students come from the south - fairly underrepresented although there are some. My son, from Virginia, is a freshman and hasn’t met too kids many from VA or other southern states, but it hasn’t been an issue. He loves it - in fact, one of the reasons he chose UW (instead of a school in VA or NC or GA) was to have that totally different experience. His biggest concern about Madison was the weather and although he doesn’t love the cold, he is surviving. We got him a big, goosedown parka, several hats and pairs of gloves, etc… Here he would just skate by with a heavy fleece during the winter, but there he wears his warm coat. Of course, with all the snow we’ve had here in VA this winter, there hasn’t been much difference weatherwise. :slight_smile: </p>

<p>Everything there is set up for the weather - good snow clearing, huge gyms where they can work out inside, movies, concerts, buses around campus, and fun outdoor stuff like snowball fights, sledding, ice boating and more (they recently set up a hockey rink in the football stadium for a big Saturday game held outside - tons of kids went and had a blast!). He was really seriously worried about it, but now says it is not that big of a deal and that you just get used to it, especially since he loves everything else. Not saying your daughter shouldn’t take it into consideration, just that attitude and proper clothing can make or break it.</p>

<p>Let me know if you have any specific questions and I’ll try to help. Good luck!</p>

<p><a href=“http://registrar.wisc.edu/documents/Stats_all_2009-2010Fall.pdf[/url]”>http://registrar.wisc.edu/documents/Stats_all_2009-2010Fall.pdf&lt;/a&gt;
See page 60 for state breakdowns by class (continuing undergrad freshman, grad, etc.)
See page 67 for US distribution map that appears to count every student, grad and undergrad, on campus.</p>

<p>So 7 frosh from NC this fall, out of about 5200 or so total new students. Which is only meant to inform, not dissuade you. You won’t find a lot of southerners but I am certain your D will be welcome if she decides to attend. (In truth, if she has an accent, she’ll likely be the object of a mild level of fascination, at least for a while.)</p>

<p>BTW, you won’t find magnolias in bloom if you come in April. :)</p>

<p>Just to manage expectations, snow will probably be on the ground until late March or early April and the mud and slush are not appealing. Trees leaf-out around mid-April. IMO, campus is most beautiful in mid-May, when the lilacs are blooming. (I always found it cruel that this usually coincided with finals week.) Of course this will be too late for her to make a visit in time for a decision, but she should know that eventually it does get warm and pretty. It can even look like this:
<a href=“http://www.soils.wisc.edu/~asig/webcam/archive/2007/07/05/[/url]”>http://www.soils.wisc.edu/~asig/webcam/archive/2007/07/05/&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>We took my son during the first week of April 2 years ago for a visit. The weather wasn’t that great, but he still loved the campus!</p>

<p>postponed…waiting patiently for march 15th now :
&, if i do get in, i still need to visit : ]</p>

<p>The only semi-southern area that sends many students to UW is the greater DC area. There seems to be more Florida interest but little from the deep south. But it does not mean you would not be welcome.</p>

<p>Are people finding if they are getting accepted/denied after being post-poned already?</p>

<p>I do not think she is concerned about not being welcomed. She has traveled a lot for dance and has become quite good at mingling and meeting other people. Her biggest concern is adjusting to the winter climate. She has been around colder climates and snow as she was born and lived in Pittsburgh, PA until she was six yrs old but she does like the milder weather of NC. UW-Madison was a late application decision. Her chemistry teacher recommended it and then a dancer she met at a convention recommended the dance program at UW. She visited the website and decided to apply. We will probably visit the campus the first week of April. </p>

<p>She really likes looks of the private residence halls and has been studying the layouts and locations to the campus. This is our first and only to go to college. It has been a huge learning experience. My how things have changed over the last 20+ years! Needless to say, our guidance counselors did not prepare us well for the timing and paperwork necessary to complete applications. I have volunteered my service to the school to speak to the parents of juniors and offer advice as far as timing and recommendations. </p>

<p>Good luck to everyone.</p>

<p>The Chemistry Dept at UW is great- I still enjoy getting my annual Badger Chemist.</p>

<p>UW Dance also welcomes non-majors to take Dance classes and second Wis75 on the quality of the Chem program. They are near the top of the list to get four additional profs as part of a program to improve undergrad access to high demand courses. I think this is notable as many publics are in a situation of faculty hiring freezes and layoffs.</p>

<p>"With the 31 top-ranked Madison Initiative for Undergraduates proposals in the hands of University of Wisconsin Chancellor Biddy Martin, UW officials have begun the next step in the process of choosing which proposals to fund.</p>

<p>Vice Provost for Teaching and Learning Aaron Brower said more discussion will likely be needed before any decisions can be made by the chancellor.</p>

<p>“What I imagine happening is further discussion both with the chancellor … but potentially more discussion with both committees,” Brower said.</p>

<p>The top-ranked proposal by the oversight committee would give $635,000 to the chemistry department for four new faculty members and four new 50 percent-time teaching assistants."</p>

<p>They’re also moving forward on planned expansion/revision of undergrad Chemistry labs- finally acquired more private property adjacent to the Chemistry building. UW is also known for the teaching of Chemistry- at all levels, precollege as well as college- undergrad and beyond. There’s an organization for Chemical Education with some UW profs heavily involved (the Badger chemist came and was recycled a while back, you can look up info as easily as I can). Now there are more women to mentor students than in my day as well. Still a freshman honors sequence for majors (115-116) as well as 109 and the 103-104 series- many different levels based on student preparation and needs.</p>

<p>Accepted! Yay!</p>

What is your ACT and GPA? Were you postponed?</p>