2010 Acceptances and Decisions Thread

<p>Well you’re a WI resident which gives you a running start, you know. I’m not a WI resident but my grandfather and father and uncle all went there. I want to go there. I haven’t heard anything yet – and I applied mid December. </p>

<p>My stats are
3.1 GPA
bad fresh/soph/junior
1790 SATS
AP Scholars With honors (3, 3, 5, 5 - ENglish, french, spanish, psych)
internesting essays/ life story </p>

<p>But I’m hoping that because of legacy ill get in. Also, ,Illinois -Uchmapaign, which s rated the same as wisconsin, gave me the thumps up. IM JUST WAITING ON WISCONSIN. </p>


<p>So I found out today that someone from my school got accepted to Stanford and didn’t get accepted to UW…


<p>uw 3.8 sat 2180 International :)</p>

<p>No I wasn’t postponed. I applied for RD</p>

<p>^By what date did you get everything in?</p>

<p>My highschool guidance counselor said he called a friend in admissions in Madison. She said that last year, everyone on the postponed list was accepted and a small group from the waiting list was accepted.
Really? This doesn’t seem right… but why would she say that?
Anyone know anything?</p>

<p>Just a couple or so years ago more accepted students than expected chose to attend UW. This meant a larger than intended number of entering freshmen. The following year they cut back on acceptances to avoid too many students and had to use their list of students put on hold as students chose other schools. It is a juggling act to predict how many students will actually enroll. With the recent economic downturn many family finances have changed and the old patterns are changed. UW would rather go to its lists than have too many freshmen trying to get the spots available in classes.</p>

<p>^Wouldn’t you think that in this economy, less people would attend UW? So, they would accept more people?
Do you believe that it is true that everyone last year was accepted?</p>

<p>There always are rejections- and this site doesn’t reflect the thousands of applicants’ status. The down economy forces some excellent students to opt for the cheaper flagship school instead of a higher priced elite school- admitted student stats may rise. This can force students who would have been accepted a few years ago to go to other state schools- a domino effect. We are still at the peak of the number of yearly HS grads, it will be a few years before the population pressure eases up for college admissions.</p>

<p>I was rejected after being postponed last year, as well as other people I know. So thats incorrect</p>

<p>For some, Madison is an affordable option to more expensive private or OOS public schools which some may have gone to before the economy tanked. In this economy some may be choosing other UW schools, including the UW colleges, because they can commute or because they are less expensive. So it’s a juggling act between those dropping down to Madison cost-wise and those dropping down from Madison cost-wise.</p>

<p>Has anyone been postponed and heard back yet?</p>

<p>^nope, that begins some time after march 15th.</p>

<p>let the count down begin -_-</p>

<p>westlund2. Sounds untrue as the normal accept rate for postponed is about 50%. They did accept a good number off the waitlist which is different (and much smaller) than the postponed group.</p>


<p>ACT: 34
SAT IIs: 770 Chem 740 BioM 750 Math II
GPA: 3.9 (UW)- school doesnt rank
I’ve taken 8 APs and gotten 5s on all my tests
My recs were stellar and my essays were pretty good.
extracurriculars included holding a reserach position, varisty tennis, quiz bowl, yadda yadda yadda…</p>

<p>The only thing that suprised was I got my application done on Feb.4 (three days late obviously) and recieved admission today- almost two weeks later. I was scared I wouldn’t be accepted with the whole rolling admissions thing and my late submission but clearly it wasn’t a problem.</p>

<p>As of now Im out of state so Wisconsin is more of a safety but its a great public school at that. I really wouldn’t mind coming Madison especially with the high notoriety it has in terms of strong science/biological programs. We’ll just have to wait and see.</p>

<p>Just got Accepted after postponment.:D:D:D:D</p>

<p>21 ACT
3.4 GPA (unweighted)
top 29%
2 APs (bio and english senior year)
varsity tennis, show choir. 1st generation asian american. Wisconsin student.</p>

<p>seriously?! i guess they started early : D
^did u get notified via email or regular mail? congrats, btw :]</p>

<p>D applied 1/28 and accepted 2/11 (but did not arrive until 2/23)</p>

<p>In my UW account, under the Acedemics tab, there are new things… like textbook stuff. It wasnt there before. does this mean anything?</p>

<p>AlaskaDad- for you and your D email application/notification must be great, snail mail has to travel far and takes so long. Congratulations to her.</p>

<p>I got accepted into Wisconsin Madison (BUS) as well as Illinois-UC (General studies) as an international student from singapore. However, i am having a really really hard time deciding which one i should go to. Is UIUC more recognised than WISC-MAD?</p>