2011 Bama Bound Dates

<p>DS has had four years of Latin and wants to continue. I’m assuming he should not take anything higher than Latin III, though, because of that Intensive Review Thing (always a good idea) and also because college Latin would presumably be more advanced than high school Latin. Also, as a homeschooler, he has no AP credits…so, so much for that.</p>

<p>Will have to take a good look at the Bama language curriculum. This is all so new to us.</p>

<p>We found the parent sessions at Bama Bound to be very informative, and very well done. The Bama staff are pros!
I want to put in a plug for the Bama Bound sibling orientation, as well. The sibling program is open to teenagers, and it’s a great way to fill their day while you attend the parent meetings. They get to hang out with other teens, visit the rec center, get a free t shirt. PLUS, the siblings took an awesome tour which included the inner sanctum of a certain stadium. . . very cool!</p>



<p>So true, RobD. My son’s personal example just occurred over the recently completed XMAS break. During registration for Spring 2011 classes, the computer registration system wouldn’t allow him to enroll in Honors Accounting, despite there being open seats. It was some sort of glitch and he helplessly (and maddeningly) watched as the first the seats, then the wait list, filled. The registrar’s office and tech support office were of no help, saying simply, “Sorry, it was an error beyond our control.”</p>

<p>So, he signed up for a regular accounting class with a teacher who has very, very low student ratings. He was bummed, needless to say.</p>

<p>Then (cue up the music), he checked in on myBama right after the new year and miraculously there was a seat open in the Honors Accounting class! But again, the computer registration system wouldn’t allow him to register, so he put on his assertiveness hat, called the registrar’s office, bit into them like a pit bull, and didn’t let go until they enrolled him in the class manually (a process that took 45 minutes). </p>

<p>The class, he says, is fabulous (accounting??) because the teacher is awesome. Good things come to those who are patient (and assertive). :)</p>

<p>Are there student limits for each Bama Bound session? How long does it take before the Bama Bound sessions (particularly Honors) fill up?</p>

<p>Yes, there are limits and yes, the honors dates fill up quickly. Pick your date and register asap. The honors sessions were booked by the time I registered last year and we had to choose a later date. That said, the session we attended had all the information we needed and was a very worthwhile experience.</p>

<p>Can’t agree enough about how useful the parent sessions were. Meeting everyone from on here made a HUGE difference in making the transition easier, so that by the time he left I was 100% at ease about the whole thing.
Also, I know it’s natural to be anxious about the process, but I echo what the above posters have said. DS got a basic schedule at BamaBound, but had changed most all of his times/selections before school started. If you check back on a regular basis options always come up, and in the cases where classes were full a contact with the dept. advisor generally resulted in success.
Not to change the subject, but we need a BamaBound “reunion,” should try and see when we are all there for pick-up. :)</p>

<p>^^^Well I know that D is there till the bitter end as her last final is May 6th. We’re hoping to pair pick up with attendance at a UA baseball game (they’re playing last year’s champs LSU that weekend) especially since DH’s first look at the baseball training facilities is what made him fall in love with UA ;)</p>

<p>Is it a disadvantage going to the one day Early Honors session? Is there less information conveyed and less opportunity to meet new people in the evening?</p>

<p>no - all the cool people go to the early sessions (j/k malani)</p>


<p>I know. You’re my bud, AL.</p>