<p>I just ran into a scoring rubric for the 2001 AP Human Geography Exam [url=<a href="http://apcentral.collegeboard.com/apc/public/repository/human-geo-2001-scoring-worksheet.pdf%5D%5Bb%5Dhere%5B/b%5D%5B/url">http://apcentral.collegeboard.com/apc/public/repository/human-geo-2001-scoring-worksheet.pdf]**here**[/url</a>] and it says that there will be no deduction for incorrect answers on all 2011 multiple choice Exams. (so, no .25 deduction for wrong choices) Can anyone confirm that they have heard about this?</p>
<p>I apologize if this has already been discussed multiple times before, but I was never aware of this until now.</p>
<p>You have got to be ****ting me…I wish I was born a year late now</p>
<p>That would be nice…</p>
<p>Edit; It shows the change on more than just that worksheet. Psychology: <a href=“Supporting Students from Day One to Exam Day – AP Central | College Board”>Supporting Students from Day One to Exam Day – AP Central | College Board;
<p>And it’s on the CB site. Interesting.</p>
<p>I have no idea why they would do such a crazy thing… but I can’t complain! There has to be something on the other side of the hill though… perhaps the questions are going to be much harder?</p>
<p>Yeah, at first I thought this is awesome, but then I realized that this might have a negative effect on the curve. :</p>
<p>Edit: @SeekingUni, ha ha yeah. Exactly, there has got to be a catch.</p>
<p>Do you think they’ll also change it for other College Board tests if they do that? Like, for the SAT, subject tests, etc.?</p>
<p>No!!! I like that rule
I think it’ll hurt the curves if they are indeed getting rid of the .25 deduction.</p>
<p>@puggly123, yeah, that is exactly what I was thinking.</p>
<p>Since there will be no penalty for guessing, more people will guess, and more of their answers will be correct, which will hurt the curve.</p>
<p>As someone who never skips questions anyway…I think it will hurt the curve.
I’ve heard this from my friend as well, so I think it’s really going to happen.
I hope it doesn’t.</p>
<p>I just e-mailed CB asking about this. I’ll post their response if I get one.</p>
<p>I hope they keep the current system.</p>
<p>I feel like these plans may have been ditched. The College Board has already released minor changes for exams in 2011-2012. For something as large as this, I feel like the College Board would have made it quite clear already.</p>
<p>A change like this would make it so guessing isn’t a problem anymore.</p>
<p>if this ruled had been placed this year… i wouldn’t have been screwed up for my ap world exam </p>
<p>halfway through the exam, i realized i didn’t know most of the answers so i just went ahead and answered all of them lollll </p>
<p>i wish i hadn’t though…</p>
<p>Has anyone yet confirmed this with the College Board?</p>
<p>Well given that the message appears on about all the scoring guidelines from the CollegeBoard website…</p>