2012/2013 Decision Thread

<p>So, guys. What are your other top choices? I would say CC is my third choice after Oberlin and Carleton (didn’t want to get my heart set on it in case they rejected me). After that, Macalester, Grinnell, Wesleyan, and Vassar are also of major interest.</p>

<p>I’m applying to Oberlin and Carleton too! :slight_smile: My top schools are CC and Kenyon, and after that Oberlin, Carleton, Swarthmore, Puget Sound, Bryn Mawr, and Denison. I’m also applying to Princeton and Cornell, but those are definitely reach schools so I’m not going to worry about it too much.</p>

<p>It seems to me you’ve got a great shot at all of them. :slight_smile: If I was a girl, I would totally apply to Bryn Mawr! Also, Barnard. Denison is also really beautiful; have you visited? I did an Ohio road trip this summer and also checked out Kenyon (lovely), Wooster (very lovely), and Oberlin (<3).</p>

<p>I get in.</p>

<p>GPA: 97/100
ACT: 34
IELTS: 7.5
RANK: 1/50
Early Action.
However they did not mention the scholarship. kinda of disppointed…I really want to go to Colorado with a scholarship. Last year three students in China received 28,000 a year.
Will they announce the scholarship decision in March?</p>

<p>I went to Ohio this summer as well! I checked out Kenyon, Oberlin, and Denison, and I really loved all three. Kenyon is my top choice because of the strength of its English department. And thank you :)</p>

<p>I’m applying to Kenyon and Macalester too! Also Bowdoin, Colby, and Scripps. Maybe some others (I’m a QuestBridge finalist so free apps) but not sure yet.</p>

<p>Deferred. It’s been my number one college since sophomore year so pretty bummed. But… it’s supposed to start snowing here tomorrow so I guess I’ll call this day a wash :D</p>

<p>Why didn’t you apply ED?</p>

<p>Scripps is also really great. Pomona is too much of a reach. CMC and HMC aren’t fits. And I don’t really have room on my Common App for Pitzer. LOL.</p>

<p>I said if I got into CC (not expecting to), I would apply to Bowdoin as my super reach, but now that I actually did get in, I’m scared of Bowdoin. Visited it and loved it though, also applying to Bates probably. I was gonna do NYU and Brandeis if CC rejected me (and I would have lost all faith in myself).</p>

<p>I forgot to tell the other things.</p>

<p>Why Essay: Nothing special or very original. I just talked about the Block Plan and the spirit of loving challenges.
Block Plan: LGBT in literature. (My favortie writer is Oscar Wilde, so…) I like this topic and I wrote about 600 words. I asked the international counselor of CC before whether this topic was decent or not. She said this was very interesting.
I have published three books in China, guess this is the most important point they see in my application. I participated in leadership activities, too. But nothing special.</p>

<p>I definitely knew I was going to apply to Grinnell and Whitman no matter what the verdict was on CC. If denied, I would probably apply to Macalester and Pitzer. Not sure what to do with a deferral. I will probably apply to all four.</p>

<p>I got in!! I’ve been lurking this thread but I’m so excited so I wanted to share it!
my stats:
4.0 GPA UW
some clubs, some leadership positions, nothing too special
I think my writing pushed me over the edge because I really enjoyed writing the block plan ahha. </p>

<p>Congratulations to people who are accepted!! if you’re deferred, don’t worry, things will work out in the end!! :))</p>

<p>YAY! I found out I got accepted today. Applied EA, literally burst into tears after seeing I got accepted. So excited! I think CC may be my first choice :)</p>


<p>GPA - Unweighted: 3.83
Class Rank: 25 top 5%
Class Size: 686</p>


<p>SAT I Math: 740
SAT I Critical Reading: 660
SAT I Writing: 660</p>


<p>Significant Extracurriculars: varsity tennis 4 years, NHS 2 years, HOSA 1 year, latin club 3 years, work at fast food restaurant
Leadership positions: ran a food drive, service chair for latin club, cashier at work, team captain senior year
Athletic Status - varsity tennis all four years
Volunteer/Service Work: 250+ hours total. every summer at country club i help run a kids tennis camp, Library.
Honors and Awards: Freshman tennis MVP. AP Scholar</p>

<p>Just money and I haven’t visited the college itself yet. I just know a bunch of people who have attended (actually I know know the old president indirectly too but that’s a long story haha) Oh well congrats to everyone that got in and good luck to all those who were deferred!</p>

<p>I posted before about my ED acceptance, but now i’ll post my status. To all those deferred, I think if you show immense passion they will accept you. My stats are not impressive. I got a 27 on the ACT and have a 3.6 UW GPA. Lots of extra curricular and community service hours. Most importantly, I put my heart and soul into the essays. When I received my acceptance package in the mail there was a nice note that spoke about how nice my why CC essay was and how they could feel the passion.</p>

<p>I was deferred. 32 ACT, rank 21/500, ~3.95 UW, editor-in-chief of newspaper, multiple other EC’s + community service. I think my Block Plan essay was my undoing. I was too general, too broad. I’m really not that upset about it though; my future is looking far brighter elsewhere and my taste for CC has dulled.</p>

<p>I still can’t believe it.</p>

<p>Unseen, where are you headed?</p>

<p>Wait, to clarify, I didn’t mean that like I got into some other elite college because I did not. I just received a very nice scholarship from UT-Dallas and I’m very impressed by the program that I’m interested in. And since I live in the area, it’s a much better choice for me.</p>

<p>Oh, so you’d rather not go out-of-state anymore?</p>