2012/2013 Decision Thread

<p>ED was released 5 PM MST, so 7 PM on the east coast for me. It showed up at about 7:10 - 7:15</p>

<p>I just discovered this site so I know this is a little late.
I was accepted ED</p>

<p>-Asian/Alaskan native female
-lives on the east coast
-GPA about 3.4
-2050 SATs (700 CR, 700 M, 650 W)

  • 2 subject tests (700 math 1, 690 bio -m)
    -taking 2 APs this year (biology and statistics)
  • 4th year as a ski instructor, PSIA level 1 certified
  • spent 4 years hiking in the Tetons in WY
  • spent a month last summer hiking the Alps and the Pyrenees
  • cocaptain varsity crew (7 seasons)</p>

<p>My block plan was about the wild mustangs and learning about them.</p>

<p>The email is more recent than the posting for counselors, so I would expect it to be more timely. It also says the offices will close at Noon on Thursday, while the Counselors’ page just says the office won’t be open on Friday. I would assume they worked a regular full day the day the ED decisions were released, so 5pm local time was a logical release time. </p>

<p>Unless the update will be uploaded on a time delay, I wouldn’t be surprised if Base Camp ended up updating closer to Noon (MST), given that the staff is likely to want to head home like everyone else. I wouldn’t want to be the one to have to return to work because the update didn’t go through as planned (and poor Amy gave her cell phone # to all of the MCOH attendees, so she would be the one we would call)… Amy, you might want to turn your phone off…</p>

<p>Yeah, I got the email too. I have literally been counting down the hours. (And of course this is my finals week too, so it’s just been STRESS AND NERVES all the time…)</p>

<p>Oh man I might start checking at 11 then! Provided I will be awake haha. Gosh that day will be so angsty. I’m not expecting an acceptance though just to prepare myself because the odds are against me :/</p>

<p>Question–back in 2007 the CC EA decisions came by snail mail. </p>

<p>Does CC also mail decisions now? If so, if the download fails most would get a letter by Dec 26th or so.</p>

<p>Per the email, they will both post to your portal and send a letter by mail. I would expect that the portal will only show the status, but the letter will include preliminary financial aid package, and any merit scholarships</p>

<p>I’m pretty sure that last year ds had to wait for snail mail and there was no notification on the portal. It was hard to wait, so it’s nice that they do it this way now.</p>

<p>My heart is racing. 21 hours and 36 minutes. God, can the countdown be any slower?</p>

<p>Aaaaaah, I’m so excited and nervous.</p>

<p>Oh man I just got my ACT score which went from a 30 to a 33. Such a bummer that the admissions team won’t get to see this because it might make a huge difference.</p>

<p>I’m so nervous! Comes out in about 10 hours for me.</p>

<p>It comes out in about 10 hours for EVERYONE :smiley: ^</p>

<p>AHHHH this wait is excruciating!</p>

<p>Everyone who applied EA! (hopefully)</p>

<p>nervous. anyone here done a campus visit?</p>

<p>Several of us have visited - D and I visited for the multicultural open house in November, and moved CC from about 4th on her list to 1st. She see’s it as a perfect fit, I hope they do too… a little over 3 hours until we find out if they do.</p>

<p>Wow that’s exciting! i really wish that i would have had a chance to but im all the way in texas… soo yeah.</p>

<p>I did! I have the good luck of living less than two hours away, so I went to campus both for an info session/tour and for an interview :)</p>

<p>My portal wants my midyear report now…good sign I think :)</p>