2012/2013 Decision Thread

<p>It’s refreshing very slowly. I just wanna know already.</p>

<p>Still waiting!</p>

<p>14 minutes after hahaha</p>

<p>14 minutes</p>

<p>you beat me</p>

<p>07DAD is having way too much fun with this :P</p>

<p>I know its stressful so realize you are all in it at the same time</p>

<p>It’s refreshing slowly for me too. This is probably it.</p>

<p>Andddd now it doesn’t work at all.</p>

<p>I can’t even access the website at all lol. I’m gonna be mad if I can’t read my decision tonight</p>

<p>there is always the Peace Corp or get a job</p>

<p>sigh, CC…</p>

<p>Yeah, I logged off because it wasn’t loading and now I can’t log back on. I’ll try again in like 10 minutes. The server probably crashed due to all of us logging on at the same time :P</p>

<p>Maybe they shouldn’t have told us all 4pm, but let us wait and guess. All of you please get off their system, so my daughter can get in!</p>

<p>Ugh, the admissions people had to pick THE DAY OF ea decision release to take their vacations? They couldn’t have just started after tomorrow so we could get this problem fixed as soon as possible? Sorry I’m just stressed now</p>

<p>I was DEFERRED! Guess that means they will end up seeing the three point raise in my ACT score. Hopefully that helps. Anyone know how many people who are deferred end up being accepted?</p>

<p>I’ve been sitting here mindlessly reading all of the comments. The wait is killing me!</p>

<p>I recall something like this in 2007 for UNC-Chapel Hill (I think) It wasn’t fun but it was due to the overload of attempts</p>

<p>well if thirdplanet knows then some have been posted</p>

<p>Thirdplanet-- it’s always good to be deferred rather than denied. I was told at an info session that everyone who is deferred has a good chance of making it. It means that you’re competitive enough to be considered, but they need to consider the RD applicants first to see how competitive they are.</p>

<p>I was accepted. Oh my God. I WAS ACCEPTED. I cannot stop smiling! Good job to everyone else who was accepted, and I am sorry to those who weren’t.</p>