2012/2013 Decision Thread

<p>Accepted. Thank goodness. </p>

<p>I’m sorry, thirrdplanet! I know how it feels. But don’t worry, you have lots of other options, and there’s still a chance of you getting in.</p>

<p>woah accepted!</p>

<p>congrats–it is a truly great school</p>

<p>It says “I want to assure you that you will be given very serious consideration during the Regular Action review process. Each year, we defer approximately 300 students who apply under our early programs, and we eventually offer admission to approximately 25% of these students.”</p>

<p>I just got back a 33 on the ACT instead of a 30 so that should help. I also have a new extracurricular so I will probably send them a letter and stuff. Uggg I really wanted to accepted but it is better than rejection for sure.</p>

<p>I got deferred. This is getting sad.</p>

<p>Annnd I still can’t log on. Ahhh!</p>

<p>Congrats to everyone accepted though! :)</p>

<p>I got accepted! :)</p>

<p>Oh man. Everyone on here was accepted…</p>

<p>and to anyone denied/deferred – I was just rejected from Williams last week, but now I got into CC. It isn’t the end of the world :)</p>

<p>positive vibes for wintertree</p>

<p>Congrats to all of you accepted and with the opportunity to be accepted a little later. My DD was rejected. CC was among her top 2 choices. Going to be a very rough holiday season.</p>

<p>accepted!! yay~</p>

<p>Accepted!!! :D</p>

<p>Can everyone who was accepted post their test scores and GPA? It would be extremely helpful!</p>

<p>@thirdplanet should that be a different thread?</p>

<p>Nope ED people were doing it earlier…</p>

<p>She’s in! Good luck to those still having trouble logging in</p>

<p>I can make a result-only thread if you guys like.</p>

<p>Did you guys do interviews/might one help get me accepted when they look at it again?</p>

<p>I interviewed. My interview didn’t go AMAZING but it showed interest at least.</p>