2012/2013 Decision Thread

<p>Or I guess we could keep it here.</p>

<p>33 ACT, 3.78 UW GPA, 9 APs. (four 5’s, one 4)
18/664 (top 3%), Decent ECs, unique (I think) essay.</p>

<p>So happy. I also did an interview, but it felt more informational than evaluative. Might have helped. It was certainly interesting.</p>

<p>SAT: 1970
ACT: 33
Weighted GPA: 5.0360 </p>

<p>I am so grateful to be accepted, and don’t worry third, they well end up accepting you too.</p>

<p>I interviewed when i went to the MOH</p>

32 ACT (36 reading, 35 english, 31 math, 27 science, 6 essay)
3.77 GPA UW
4 APs (school only offers 3, took 2 via CTY online)
No Rank
Disc Golf, School Plays, Founder of Math Club/Science Club, Editor of Literary Magazine
Risky essay, but overall very unique</p>

<p>Stats: </p>

<p>2240 SAT (2 sittings), 3.74 Unweighted GPA, 2 IB’s and 7 AP’s (all 5’s so far, APs include the ones that I’m currently taking right now)
My school doesn’t rank.
EC’s: super involved. started the Fashion Club, Debate two time bronze medalist in Forensics, English Service Project, Varsity sports (I think these really helped me because in terms of GPA I’m lacking) </p>

<p>I didn’t interview. I wish I had a chance to visit campus though!</p>

<p>35 ACT, 4.0 UW GPA (as of when I submitted my app), 4 APs last year (all 5s) and taking 3 this year
My ECs are decent, but not superb
I think my essays were pretty good. I definitely showed interest.</p>

<p>I did have an interview, and it went very well. My interviewer told me I would be a good match for CC. I would definitely suggest an interview if at all possible.</p>

<p>Oh, I should say that I also did interview. Here is my entire Chance Me post so you can see everything I did…</p>

<p>"Weighted GPA: 5.0360
Class Rank: 18 (out of 801)</p>

<p>AP Courses:
AP Calc BC
AP Chemistry
AP Gov and Politics
AP Italian
AP English
AP Psychology
AP Statistics
AP English
AP Biology</p>

<p>Subject I would like to major in: Psychology</p>

<p>Extracurricular Activities:
Italian Club
Italian Honor Society
JSA (it is an informal debate team)</p>

<p>Volunteer Work:
Local Park Volunteer Program
Haunted Woods Actor during the month of October</p>

<p>Work Experience:
I work at a photo company, where I help in the product assembly area (making magnets, mouse pads, Rimage CDs, etc)</p>

<p>SAT I: 1980 (640 CR, 670 M, 670 W)</p>

<p>SAT II:
Chem: 710
Math II: 760
U.S. History: 730</p>

Composite: 33
English: 30
Math: 34
Reading: 36
Science: 31
Writing Subscore: 9</p>

<p>AP Tests:
U.S. History: 4
U.S. Government: 3 (Not sending this one in. :3)
Calculus BC: 4
Chemistry: 4</p>

<p>Teacher Recommendations: One from my Psychology teacher from last year and one from my English teacher of two years. Apparently both are really well-written.</p>

<p>Essay: My English teacher said it was really well-written, and my guidance counselor said it was extremely unique and interesting."</p>

<p>DS was deferred :(</p>

ACT 34
SAT 1480/2130
6 APs
Unique ECs with lots of leadership, but not exceptional
3.64 UW/4.06 W GPA – all honors or AP at private school
off-campus interview that went really well.</p>

2330 SAT, 800 math II, 780 literature
uw gpa: 3.76, w gpa: 4.413
rank: 81/923 (top 9%)
no interview
essays were decent/good (but i guess i can’t really judge my own essays)
extracurriculars all related to music (piano and violin), environmental awareness and research</p>

<p>Alright I was deferred with a 30 ACT and 3.89 UW. Now I have a 33 and it’s already been sent to them. I have quite a few APs and I am currently in a class at Reed college. I am right at the top 5 percent for my class. I think 17/333. I have a lot of ECs: 2 varsity sports, volunteer work with kids in art and ecology, art and music stuff. Nothing national but lets just say all 10 activities were filled up. I also have state and national awards for my sports. Whew. I hope I get in RD…</p>

<p>I looked online, but my decision isnt up yet :frowning:
Should I just check again later to see if it updates?</p>

<p>Deferred. 2020 SAT 4.6 GPA.</p>

<p>I think you have a really good chance! Your scores are really impressive (:</p>

<p>Thirrdplanet-- It looks like your ACT was the only thing keeping you from being accepted, so I think with your score up 3 points you should be good! :)</p>

<p>I was kinda expecting there to be some mention of financial aid? Oh, well. Guess I gotta wait til the package comes in the mail!</p>

<p>Thanks guys! I intend to show my interest as well. Ah I wish I would’ve gotten in but it is good they didn’t out right reject me. My financial need coupled with no hook and a lowish score were probably holding me back. Here’s to hoping my new score helps!</p>

<p>Does anyone know when the package will be in the mail by?</p>

<p>They mailed the package today.</p>

<p>I guess i should post my stats as well…
800 CR, 730 M, 690 W
4.4 GPA
Full IB diploma candidate
ECs: Varsity sports year round, I started a chess club at my school, officer in volunteering club.</p>

<p>Didn’t interview though.</p>

<p>Deferred too!
I’m an international needing substantial aid (FC~5K) so that’s not so bad :slight_smile:
2180 SAT</p>

<p>I honestly don’t think they would defer you for that one thing. They probably just don’t want to accept so many people early action because they need to leave some room for regular people. They deferred us because they have an interest but it wasn’t as overwhelming as the people they accepted. We have to give them another reason to accept us! They also might not want to give all the aid away either. I need quite a bit which probably affected things.</p>