2012 Clean Official Boarding Decisions and Applicant Stats/EC's

<p>This happened on the last thread like this.
Stop posting unnecessary comments. Most of the people on here understand, or should! Send em a PM. Remember, “clean” is in the title and someone posted this earlier. Sorry if I sound a little harsh but respect the people who started the thread.</p>

<p>** Accepted:NMH **
** Waitlisted: Concord **
** Rejected: Loomis Chaffee **</p>

[<em>] SSAT/ISEE/TOEFL/PSAT: 90% overall, 2184
[</em>] GPA Unweighted-Weighted: Uh, average is 93 or something like that.
[<em>] Rank: N/A
[</em>] Other stats: Buncha extracurriculars, awards, and whatnot relating to flute, passed exam award thing for piano, participates in table tennis, badminton, volleyball, community service at various parts of my country that are in need
[<em>] Essays: Personally thought that they were horrible and uninteresting, as I find those prompts difficult to elaborate on.
[</em>] Teacher Recs: I know that my humanities teacher wrote a great recommendation, but I’m not sure about math, but it couldn’t be bad, either. I had a special recommendation from my piano teacher, and I know that she made me sound like a piano prodigy.
[<em>] Principle/Counselor Rec: Not bad.
[</em>] Hook (if any): Full pay, if that counts. Made recordings of flute for them. (I’m not sure if they visited the website though)
[<em>] State or Country: Over-represented country in Asia.
[</em>] Current School Type: Elite private school.
[<em>] Ethnicity: Asian
[</em>] Gender: Female
[/ul]Other Factors: I had a great interview with NMH. My interviewer and I really connected, and we talked for a great amount of time.
General Comments: I admit myself that I did not put a lot of effort into the application process, except for NMH’s, that is. I applied to the other schools for the sake of applying to a school and understanding the process more, but my real favorite was actually Northfield Mount Hermon. In some ways, all other schools were safety schools, even though Loomis and Concord both have a lower admission rate. It’s a shame that my father probably will not let me go to boarding school…</p>


<p>Full Pay or Financial Aid is such an important part of the admit. process; any way to add it above? Not that I think it’s a great idea for you all to reveal all this about yourselves…</p>

<p>[ size=+1][ color=green][ b] Decision: [ /b][ /color][ /size]
[ size=+1][ color=green][ b]Decision: [ /b][ /color][ /size]</p>

<p>[ b]Stats:[ /b][ list]
[4.236-4.573</em>] GPA Unweighted-Weighted:
[none*] Rank:
[ *] Other stats:
[ /list][ b]Subjective:[ /b][ list]
[ *] Essays:
[ *] Teacher Recs:
[ *] Principle/Counselor Rec:
[ *] Hook (if any):
[ /list][ b]Location/Person:[ /b][ list]
[ *] State or Country:
[ *] Current School Type:
[ *] Ethnicity:
[ *] Gender:
[ /list][ b]Other Factors:[ /b]
[ b]General Comments:[ /b]</p>

<p>** Decision: Waitlisted at Choate, Hotchkiss, St. Paul’s, and Groton**
** Decision: Rejected at Loomis**
Awaiting arrival: Deerfield, Andover</p>

[</em>] GPA Unweighted-Weighted: Nearly all A’s, a few B’s
[<em>] Rank: N/A-- school doesn’t rank
[</em>] Other stats: I’m taking 2 languages in school, French IV and Latin II, as well as Japanese with a tutor. I have pretty good extracurriculars (ice hockey, horseback riding, martial arts, writing group), but am not currently doing all of them as I have a 2-hour total commute to school every day.
[<em>] Essays: Quite good
[</em>] Teacher Recs: All good except for math, which was nice but fairly average
[<em>] Principle/Counselor Rec: I don’t know the principle very well at all…
[</em>] Hook (if any): I take three languages, one (Japanese) out of school, and am quite advanced in French for my age/grade. I’m also a fairly good writer.
[<em>] State or Country: New York
[</em>] Current School Type: Private/independent day school
[<em>] Ethnicity: Caucasian-- also native american, but we forgot to mention that.
[</em>] Gender: Female
[/ul]Other Factors: Applications were all turned in late, and we needed full financial aid. All of my interviews except for the one at Loomis Chaffee were quite good.
General Comments: I think that I’m a qualified candidate, but I suppose our applications were late… I think that financial aid plays a pretty big role in the process, so I’m sort of disappointed that we needed a full ride. I can’t help wondering if it would have made a difference if we hadn’t needed the money…</p>

<p>Please ignore post above - didn’t meant to send and tried to delete but it wouldn’t :(</p>


<p>** Decision: Rejected at Middlesex **
** Awaiting: Andover **</p>

[<em>] SSAT/ISEE/TOEFL/PSAT: 78% Verbal, 97% Reading Comp., 49% Math, 84% Overall.
[</em>] GPA Unweighted-Weighted: 2.5-3.7
[<em>] Rank: School doesn’t rank
[</em>] Other stats: Will be taking AP Calculus next year, play on the freshman and JV baseball team (left-handed pitcher), secretary of the Philosophy club, member of drama club (participated in 2 shows this year), and I guess that’s it…
[<em>] Essays: Middlesex one was okay. Andover one was phenomenal.
[</em>] Teacher Recs: English teacher said he gave glowing reviews. Not sure about math, I don’t think I was one of his favorite students.
[<em>] Principle/Counselor Rec: She didn’t seem to think I had a chance at a boarding school so I doubt she gave a decent recommendation (my sister and her also didn’t get along when my sister was a freshman, so that may not help my cause).
[</em>] Hook (if any): None that I can think of…
[<em>] State or Country: Arizona
[</em>] Current School Type: Public
[<em>] Ethnicity: Caucasian
[</em>] Gender: Male
[/ul]Other Factors: Full F/A. Interview with Middlesex was short and dry; Didn’t connect so much with the interviewer. Andover interview was fantastic. I talked with my interviewer for two hours (off-campus interview with an alumni), and he took two pages of notes about me and said that I would be a perfect fit for the school… I guess we will see.
General Comments: You know, I would be ecstatic if I were to be accepted into Andover, but I realize that it won’t be the death of me if I weren’t. This is my third admission cycle and I’ve faced rejection three times. It’s taught me that although it would be a once in a lifetime experience to go to boarding school, I don’t need a boarding school to be successful where I’m at and where I will be. I congratulate all the time and effort that everyone has put into their applications and hope that wherever you end up, whether that be Exeter or your local public high school, that you are happy and make the most of your experience :)</p>

<p>Waitlisted: SPS
**Rejected: Cate and Mercersburg **</p>

[<em>] SSAT: 76th percentile
[</em>] GPA Unweighted-Weighted:Not Applicable
[li] Rank: Not Applicable</p>[/li]
[<em>] Essays: I haven’t been schooled formally, but I always viewed writing as a strength of mine.
[</em>] Teacher Recs: Non-traditional, but glowing
[<em>] Coach Rec: Emphasized work ethic, coachability, among other personal traits
[</em>] Hook (if any): I have been training to be a professional athlete my whole life (non-BS sport.) Lived abroad - multilingual.
[<em>] State or Country: USA
[</em>] Current School Type: Democratic
[<em>] Ethnicity:white
[</em>] Gender:Female
General Comments: I am looking at applying to rolling admission schools, so far my list includes Fountain Valley, George, NMH, Williston</p>

<p>Waitlisted at Deerfield and Andover as well, now… -.-</p>

<p>Decision: Accepted at HOTCHKISS</p>


<pre><code>SSAT: 88th Percentile

GPA Unweighted-Weighted:89.~/100
Rank: 11/239


<pre><code>Essays: Wrote one essay on spreading education to women in third world countries and did another essay on my experiences with bullying…
Teacher Recs: In my acceptance letter they quoted a line from my English teacher’s recommendation that said I was a “rising tide that lifts all boats,” so I guess my recommendations were good.
Principle/Counselor Rec: Great. My counselor loves me :slight_smile:
Hook (if any): URM, applied 2 times in the past


<pre><code>State or Country: Bronx, New York
Current School Type: Large Public
Ethnicity: Black
Gender: Male

<p>Other Factors:
Extracurricular: Debate captain for a team without a coach, President of my junior class, volunteer reader at my local library, volunteer at the food bank of New York, summer programs at Stanford University, Princeton University, and in Ireland, member of my Track and Field team, secretary of a student runned organization that teaches children how to read.
General Comments: I am extremely excited and grateful that I finally got in and I was stunned because I only applied to Hotchkiss. I recognize that I am so lucky and I cannot wait to be a bear-cat!!!</p>

<p>** Accepted: none **
** Waitlisted: Choate, Hotchkiss **
** Rejected: Andover, Exeter **</p>

[<em>] SSAT: 97%
[</em>] GPA Unweighted-Weighted: NA (all A’s)
[<em>] Rank: School doesn’t rank (should be relatively close to the top)
[</em>] Other stats:

[li] Essays: At the time I was submitting them, they didn’t seem that great, but then I read over them half an hour before admission decisions came out and I thought they were amazing. I have a really distinct voice when I write, and I was kind of counting on that. And I used practically the same essay and short answer for Andover and Choate. I guess Andover’s just a lot more selective. </p>[/li]
<p>[<em>] Interview: Not necessarily bad, but I felt like I could have been a little more outgoing. I’m pretty sure one of the reasons for my waitlists (the rejections probably had other reasons) is that my interview personality didn’t match my essays.<br>
[</em>] Teacher Recs: None of my teachers like absolutely LOVE me, but I think I’m a pretty good student in their classes, and they should have been positive. My other recommendation should have been amazing. Another teacher read it and told me that she LOVES me. </p>

<p>[li] Principle/Counselor Rec: Uh…I haven’t talked much to him, but I’ve been at the school so long that I think he should at least know me. When I asked to see if he had received the recommendations, (I had to drop it off when he wasn’t there) he asked me what schools I was applying to, perhaps as a test to see if it was my idea or my parents’ to apply to a boarding school, and I responded pretty quickly, so hopefully that helped. </p>[/li]
<p>[li] Hook (if any): Probably nothing that amazing</p>[/li]
[<em>] State or Country:Not NE or CA, but a relatively well represented state.
[</em>] Current School Type: Public
[<em>] Ethnicity: let’s just say ORM
[</em>] Gender: Female
[/ul]Other Factors: I think I was a little lacking in ECs. I didn’t really have any sports or any out of school commitments. I did have one long term EC, but I wasn’t amazing at it, and the “groups” I’m more involved in at school, I joined this year or last year because that’s when we could join. So I have a little quantity, and a little quality, but not that much of either.</p>

<p>General Comments: Looking at these results, I feel like that if I had applied to schools with slightly higher acceptance rates, I would have been accepted somewhere. There’s a pretty distinct pattern. (A/E, other acronym schools, _______)I’m not that disappointed though. I mean, I knew it was hard for anyone to get in, and my goal was to not get 4 rejections. :slight_smile: As I said in another post, I interpret a waitlist as “We though something of you, and it was positive” And that’s enough for me at times, even though I really do want to get off. I have a couple more individual awards to brag about (hehe), which hopefully will help my case.</p>

<p>I know I’m being a little vague here, but I have a slight fear of AO’s stalking this board…</p>

<p>Accepted: Kent Place, Deerfield
Waitlisted: St. Paul’s School, Middlesex, Choate Rosemary Hall, The Hotchkiss School
Waitlisted: Emma Willard, Phillips Andover Academy, Phillips Exeter Academy</p>

[<em>] SSAT/ISEE/TOEFL/PSAT: SSAT: 84% Overall
[</em>] GPA Unweighted-Weighted: 90.~/97.~
[<em>] Rank: Top 10%
[</em>] Other stats: All A’s this year. Mostly all A’s last year.
[<em>] Essays: Very well written (even though we didn’t start very much ahead of time). Some were definitely better than others.
[</em>] Teacher Recs: History Teacher- Really good! English Teacher- Good overall. Math Teacher- Good overall.
[<em>] Principle/Counselor Rec: I do not know my Guidance Counselor very well but her recommendation was extremely well written and very convincing.
[</em>] Hook (if any): Under Represented Minority, fairly good writer
[<em>] State or Country: New Jersey
[</em>] Current School Type: Public School
[<em>] Ethnicity: Caribbean (Black)
[</em>] Gender: Female</p>

<p>[/ul]Other Factors: When schools that weren’t Deerfield asked me what my top choice was I told the truth. I got terrible grades in sixth grade. I have stayed with any one extracurricular for more than 2-3 years.</p>

<p>General Comments: I’m happy I was accepted to Deerfield because it is my top choice. I loved it so much when I visited. I’m so excited about the opportunity to go this Fall! :)</p>

Cngrats , Which grade did you apply for ?</p>

<p>Thank you! I applied for 9th grade.</p>

<p>You sound very cool, hope you choose Blair!</p>

<p>** I’m probably going to sound extremely dumb for asking this but @mumsyM who are you referring to? **</p>

<p>** Accepted: Taft and Kent **
** Waitlisted: Groton and Andover **</p>

[<em>] SSAT/ISEE/TOEFL/PSAT: 68% (did really badly on the math)
[</em>] GPA Unweighted-Weighted: 3.8
[<em>] Other stats: all honors courses in 9th grade
[</em>] Essays: Taft and Andover’s were great, Groton and Kent’s were mediocre
[<em>] Teacher Recs: Extra one was amazing, the rest i’m not sure about
[</em>] Principle/Counselor Rec: didn’t know him well and I kinda rushed him
[<em>] Hook (if any): Soccer & art, didn’t need FA, community service project, applied for 10th grade
[</em>] State or Country: Fl
[<em>] Current School Type: Public school (gifted magnet, one of the best)
[</em>] Ethnicity: Hispanic
[li] Gender: female[/li][/ul]Other Factors: my interviews went very well at all of them. I’m a horrible test taker though.
General Comments:
Can’t wait for revist days. Although Groton was my top choice, Kent and Taft are amazing schools and I look foward to visiting and choosing one for the next school year.</p>


<p>SSAT/ISEE/TOEFL/PSAT: [Verbal 94%], [Math 92%], [Reading 94%]
GPA Unweighted-Weighted: 4.0-4.0
Rank: Doesn’t Rank
Other stats:</p>


<p>Essays: Writing is one of my strong areas
Teacher Recs: I have really great teachers, I am sure they made great recs
Principle/Counselor Rec: Written by my advisor, one of my favorites
Hook (if any): None</p>


<p>State or Country: California (Southern)
Current School Type: Private, K-8th
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Gender: Female</p>

<p>Other Factors: Competitive swimmer (7 years), community service and other student organizations
General Comments:</p>