<p>Hey Guys! </p>
<pre><code> What did you guys think of that test? What were some of the questions you were uncertain about or could'nt do? I omitted 2 and got around 5 wrong....so HOPEFULLY the curve will saveome. Probably wont tho.
What do you think the curve is this year?
<p>yea i omitted two too… i dunno how many I’ve got wrong, but i mean the latter half of the test was pretty hard wasn’t it? compared to the first half?</p>
<p>I’m devastated about how this test went. Last night, I took a Barron’s practice test and got a 750. People say that a 650 on Barron’s = 800 on real, but I’m pretty sure I got at least 8 questions wrong. Didn’t leave any blank, but I had a decent amount of guesses…wow…</p>
<p>yea thats how i felt too…i got a 730 on the barrons and my friend was like “dont study anymore, barrons 650 = 800”. I honestly am hoping for a huge curve.</p>
<p>i felt the exact same way. I was freaking out when i had like 20 mins left with 15 questions. The questions got harder and harder :(</p>
<p>I got 740, 760, and 740 on Barron’s. Today, I omitted three and don’t know of any wrong yet (two are currently being debated, though). Hoping for the 800!</p>
<p>Funnily enough, I actually found this to be my best test yet … took it for real last year for a 760 and took a couple practice tests over the last couple weeks, but ran out of time for the last few questions on each one. Today’s test I actually finished with extra time and feel confident of the answers to all but two or three questions.
To the rest of you guys, hope you all made lucky guesses! And remember that one test score isn’t the end of the world!</p>
<p>And to those of you who feel daunted by the later questions, let me tell you that in my experience, the last five (45-50) questions are actually easier than some of the middle (35-45) ones! If it’s the second half of the test and you’re getting stuck, one strategy could be to go to 50 and start those questions and work backward.
They’re easier points, just ones that a lot of people don’t have time for.</p>
<p>I didn’t take today’s Math II (I think I took it last October). Was pretty surprised to find a problem involving a linear regression, something you normally learn in statistics. Easy question, but I had no idea it would be on SAT II. Did you guys encounter any weird surprises?</p>
<p>I used to do Mc Graw Hill and get 800’s… but yesterday’s test was much harder… on Barrons too… i used to get 630-650… I am hoping for a big curve…
Ya i too was surprised to see a problem on linear regression…</p>
<p>It was quadratic regression. And the answer was 22.4. That one took me the longest out of all the questions.</p>
<p>So if 650 = 800 for Barrons what is it for Princeton Review? Can you estimate for me? It seems easier… but I can’t really tell.</p>
<p>830 PR = 800 real. Hahaha I’m not sure, but it’s apparently easier and not very good prep for the real thing.</p>
<p>i took it yesterday and i thought it was pretty easy…maybe its because I’ve been practicing with barron the day before? i got like 710,730,750s on barron’s but i think its mainly because i am really bad at using calculators and didn’t check the answer at all. but for real test, i checked most of my answers, hope i will get an 800:)</p>
<p>I omitted 5 or 6 (didn’t have enough freaking time to check) and I’m pretty sure I got three wrong. So i’m retaking. Anybody else retaking? It seems like everybody had a rough time on the test. I finished Barrons, so I’m thinking of using mcgraw hill’s for the june test. Just so that I can actually practice timing, instead of repeating Saturday’s bs again.</p>