~2012 New Student Information Booklet~

<p>I found this today in the parent connection area on the []_[]'s website:</p>

<p><a href="http://www6.miami.edu/miamicircle/phonecampaign/pdf/acceptedInfoBooklet2012web.pdf%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://www6.miami.edu/miamicircle/phonecampaign/pdf/acceptedInfoBooklet2012web.pdf&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>A very nice collection of informational nuggets. Thanks for sharing Mom93!</p>

<p>Nice find IMom93.</p>

<p>Zinc - I expected you to show up on the Computer Recommendation thread, as the staunch Apple supporter (*which I would recommend too). I was a little disappointed not to see you there…</p>

<p>Just trying to do a little bit of payback for the tons of help I’ve gotten here from you veteran CCers on the Miami board : ) </p>

<p>Also when it comes to stuff like that page I found - I’ve written a few times to CC to ask if we can get a few threads stickied here… haven’t heard back yet but am still hoping they’ll get it done. Then we can add new info to the stickied FAQ and Parent threads which should cut down on the same questions popping up over and over.</p>

<p>VHF - I ruffled enuf feathers on my last response to the “What Computer Should I Get” thread, so I figured I’d sit the new one out. I write this as my D’s old Gateway churns through this month’s gamut of updates & patches - not sure why we’re even keeping it alive at this point. </p>

<p>Sticky threads would be a great idea, and present on so many other sites. We can only keep asking the moderators…</p>

<p>IM93 - is your D all done with the AP’s now? Hope her crazy senior year is finally winding down…prom…graduation…</p>

<p>Did you also notice that the staunch PC supporter gave his 2 cents? haha</p>

<p>We should create a UMiami Wiki that we can all edit and contribute to, and just reference that. :D</p>

<p>CC probably wouldn’t let us post a link to it, since it’s not a “reliable” source…</p>