<p>Okay..to start off...how many of you all think that the world is going to end soon...if not in 2012?</p>
<p>So, you see...in Islam we have our own version of the last day/day of judgement whatever you'd like to call it...and in the Qu'ran apparently it tells us signs of of the day of judgement (like, how close it's going to come) and it's actually EERILY very true..check it out: 50</a> Signs of the Day of Judgment From the Words of Allah and His Messenger... Website Presenting True Islaam, Peaceful, Tolerant, Rational, Intellectual and Inspiring.[Allaahuakbar.net][Islaam][salaf][Islam]</p>
<p>The 2012 panic kinda reminds me of what happened in 2000...some ppl thought we were going to go back to the stone age...hahaha but i mean, 2012 is only the end of the mayan calender...</p>
<p>I'm scared!!!!!</p>
<p>I’m looking forward to 2012. <em>crosses fingers for apocalypse movies</em></p>
<p>Nicholas Cage better not act in any of them…</p>
<p>shut up…seriously
even if it did happen, no one can do anything about it
but it won’t happen, just as in 2000.</p>
<p>First off- the Mayan calendar does NOT say the world is going to end. It is simply the end of their calendar. That means we will enter into a new epoch. </p>
<p>I do not think the world is going to end. I think something is going to happen. World tensions are at one of their highest points in history and there’s just something in the air that I think people can feel. The world cannot go on living this way and I think something’s gotta give in a year or two- right around 2012. <em>shrug</em> </p>
<p>Oh and the Mayans are NOT the only people who give special significance to 2012. Not by a long shot.</p>
<p>^Who else gives significance to 2012? I’m curious.</p>
<p>**** your spiritual ******** and live life how you enjoy living it until you die.
<p>@Choco- many Native American traditions point to this era. The Hopi especially come to mind. </p>
<p>There is something about the I-Ching mathematically ending on that date. </p>
<p>There is more, I just can’t think of them now :(.</p>
<p>Where did those 50 signs come from? How were the past/present/future designated? And how are any of those things eerily true, except for the most obvious ones that anyone could have predicted to occur in a dark apocalyptic time (e.g. lots of drinking and sex)?</p>
I find this one to be particularly strange.</p>
<p>But it’s probably because I have no background and don’t know the meaning of these names.</p>
<p>Lol come on, you guys are suppose to be smart.</p>
<p>C’mon…we’ve gone over this. I win $15 if the apocalypse doesn’t come in a bet with a friend. And if it does, I won’t have to pay her back $15.
I think this whole hooplah is gonna make me rich.</p>
<p>Well then, I guess I won’t be needing to buy the extended warranty option on any electronics I purchase at Best Buy. Thanks for making THAT decision easier.</p>
<p>I read this:
Maya calendar calculates days using Mayans developed astronomy skills. 2012 is predicted to be a year when something significant happens in the Milky Way - I cannot remember WHAT will particularly happen. The Mayans said that something would drastically change, and it didnt have to be something connected to Doomsday. It can be humans become superhumans (like being teleporter, able to read minds, yadayadayada) <-personally, I LOVE this idea :D. Bear in mind that the Mayan’s calendar is almost as accurate as ours, and they didn’t have telescopes back then. And NASA also supports the Milky way notion. 
Either way, I don’t want to die young. There are still many things to do, goals yet to pursue. I haven’t backpacked yet!</p>
<p>I read this:
Maya calendar calculates days using Mayans developed astronomy skills. 2012 is predicted to be a year when something significant happens in the Milky Way - I cannot remember WHAT will particularly happen. The Mayans said that something would drastically change, and it didnt have to be something connected to Doomsday. It can be humans become superhumans (like being teleporter, able to read minds, yadayadayada) <-personally, I LOVE this idea :D. Bear in mind that the Mayan’s calendar is almost as accurate as ours, and they didn’t have telescopes back then. And NASA also supports the Milky way notion. 
Either way, I don’t want to die young. There are still many things to do, goals yet to pursue. I haven’t backpacked yet!</p>
<p>^ I’m on the same boat…I still haven’t experienced most things in life yet
Like finishing college, working, getting married, having kids, travelling the world etc etc.</p>
<p>Which is why now I’m starting to become more religious again (i already am–but not quite as much as i’d like)
(because I’ve always thought I’d have time until i’m older, haha).</p>
<p>If the world is going to end in 2012, I just spent all my life in school. ■■■.</p>
<p>^exactly. lol, there are soo many fb groups/pages about that</p>
<p>my favorite one is: " I’m not going to do my homework on 12/22/12 because i thought i’d die" hahahaha</p>
<p>but i’ll be in college by then :(</p>
<p>Mono- They thought that 2012 was when the sun would line up with the center of the galaxy (it is). They believed it was a dawn of a new age that happens every ~26,000 years. The Mayans believed that this would mark the beginning and end of every era of the Earth. The last galatic alignment brought about the rough beginning of this era of humanity (it is also when we see early settlements popping up).</p>
<p>I do believe we will experience a great change. Who knows it may be a cure for AIDS or cancer. Or the extension of the human life span. Humans will never tell when the end is near.</p>
<p>The world isn’t going to end on 12/21/12. It’s going to end the day Palin becomes president.</p>