2013/2014 Audition Dates

<p>[Musical</a> Theatre Auditions - James Madison University School of Theatre and Dance, Harrisonburg, Virginia](<a href=“http://www.jmu.edu/theatre/madmis.htm]Musical”>http://www.jmu.edu/theatre/madmis.htm)</p>

<p>[Theatre</a> Admissions at JMU - James Madison University School of Theatre and Dance, Harrisonburg, Virginia](<a href=“http://www.jmu.edu/theatre/thadmis.htm]Theatre”>http://www.jmu.edu/theatre/thadmis.htm)</p>

<p>[Dance</a> Admission - James Madison University School of Theatre and Dance, Harrisonburg, Virginia](<a href=“http://www.jmu.edu/theatre/dadmis.htm]Dance”>http://www.jmu.edu/theatre/dadmis.htm)</p>

<p>Hi KatMT I just checked the audition dates and is the Feb 17 audition date intentional? It just seems odd to me that all the other days are Saturdays and this one is on a Monday. If you could clear that up it’d be great, thanks!</p>

<p>Yep. It is President’s Day, which is a school holiday for many. So, we are purposely offering it as an option other than a Saturday.</p>

<p>Ok that makes much more sense. And wow that’s a great opportunity!</p>