2013/2014 Decision

<p>Let's start a threat where people who start to get responses from CC can list them. Also include the details like what decision plan, gpa, test scores, ecs, and additional info! :) Congrats to all accepted!</p>

<p>Did you get accepted? I applied EA and I’m dying to find out the result. What are your stats?</p>

<p>I got accepted ED! I was definitely on the border for being accepted. I certainly did not have the greatest test scores, but I think I had the resume and uniqueness. </p>

<p>SAT - 1850
CR 590
M 620
W 640</p>

<p>ACT - 24
E - 29
M - 24
R - 21
S - 23</p>

<p>GPA - 3.92</p>

<p>Resume includes multiple leadership positions in clubs such as
Co-president Tri-M Music Honor Society
Co-president National Art Honor Society
Co-president Thespian Society
Co-president Honor choir
Vice President Astronomy club
Lots of other unique stuff on my resume too</p>

<p>Writing supplements
Why CC? - 562 words
Why early? - 309 words
Intellectual adventure? 326 words</p>

<p>anxiously awaiting thursday….</p>

<p>47.5 hours to go!</p>

<p>I am an international (from Nepal) and I am so excited and nervous (since I need ton of financial aid). I would do LOTS of adventures, trekking, hiking, writing and stuffs if I get in! O beautiful college, O Colorado, I will be eagerly waiting to hear from you on Friday morning :)</p>

<p>Congratulations to who already got in. My best wishes to the rest!!!
Also, are there any other internationals?</p>

<p>Hey @chickenday…I’m an international applicant from India and I guess I’m in the same boat as you since I have a low EFC as well. Decisions come out at around 4 on Friday morning for us.
Fingers Crossed :P</p>

<p>Good luck guys. I’m on a similar boat.</p>

<p>6 hours and 30 minutes in counting</p>

<p>I noticed that Colorado College only had 2% african americans. Does anyone know the acceptance rate for aa?</p>

<p>Anyone else missing your application information on your page when you log on to your CC Base Camp page? The welcome message and name are there, so a successful login, but all of the specific application materials list is gone, and is just blank. Think it means something? eek!</p>

<p>congratulations! Hours before posting did you notice a change in your base camp?</p>

When you heard did they post exactly on time???</p>

<p>@missymartin, I just found out that I am missing my mid-year report right now. :frowning:
I’m ensuing this means bad news.</p>

<p>abrown16… oh no!!! They didnt notify you prior to this and let you know?</p>

<p>Just checked my e-mail. Nothing. I haven’t check my base in 1-2 weeks, so the last time I checked it that wasn’t there. I had green checks on everything. And today it seems it just popped out of nowhere. When did they tell you?</p>

<p>I called because my sons mid year report was also listed as missing this morning and the 12 times I checked yesterday everything was there. My sons school doesn’t even give a mid year report until the end of January. I called and told them that and they said not an issue they will just need to see it when it comes out and they r aware not all schools release these yet. They said it will not hold back his getting his decision tonight. After I for off the phone I thought about it and think it means he got in, why else would they want to see his mid year report in over a month if he’s not accepted, right? Maybe? It wasn’t there yesterday because he wasn’t in the category where they’d need to see it until now. Would love to know if anyone didn’t get this change on their base camp to test this theory?</p>

<p>Does your son’s base camp still show the application check boxes or have they been taken off today and when you log in it just says welcome and the school base Welcome to CC camp picture???</p>

<p>everything is still there and all the other green checks are still there, they just added this new red box saying mid year report? I guess it could go either way, but I kind of thought it was positive. I would think they would not need to see his mid year report if he is denied? Could be a deferral? This is killing me, I am not cut out for waiting. I’m way worse then my son right now.</p>

<p>my son’s boxes are gone… hmmm… I wonder if thats a bad thing… or a good thing?</p>