<p>My school hasn't come up with any. I saw one recently that was like "Do It 13ig" but that's it</p>
<p>Our school’s abbreviation and our mascot starts with B, so we’re going with 13, which I have to admit, is pretty clever and looks nice on our school stuff.</p>
<p>Dunno what we’re going to do with our senior shirts, because you can’t really work a B in there. I liked 2010, their shirts were SEN10RS.</p>
<p>My school has “O13EY” as the mottoe of the 2013 graduating class. :)</p>
<p>I like that one.</p>
<p>Also, anyone have any clever lines that involve pirate ships? 2011’s slogan was, “We Run This Ship” while this year’s sophomore class used “Hop Off Our Ship” (which made us all snicker, because 2014 runs this ship, uh-huh).</p>
<p>This year we were, “13etter than the 12est.” (Better than the class of 2012.)</p>
<p>Is 12est supposed to be best? ;o</p>
<p>I like that one…2012 had something on their shirts about surviving the end of the world, which doesn’t make sense because…if December 21st was the end of the world, they’d already be out of high school. Whoops.</p>
<p>I don’t know, but it won’t beat my favorites from 2012</p>
<p>Ours: “Class of 2012: The world’s not ending…we’re just taking over.”</p>
<p>And another school had “Seniors: Don’t you wish you were One-Two?”</p>
<p>12est is rest.</p>
<p>“Year of the 13est”</p>
<p>My friend school is going straight for the number “unlucky 13th”</p>
<p>^ One of my friend’s school is doing the opposite: We put the lucky in 13.</p>
<p>we do “senior shirts” that everyone is wearing tomorrow for our last day of school and they say “Run it like a 13oss”</p>
<p>Living the dream 2013!
Only the il13st</p>
<p>Don’t you wish you were me? Class of 1 3.</p>
<p>Our phrase is “proud to be 1-3” yeah, I am ashamed also.
The seniors this year was
“yahoo 1-2” and their shirts said “the world ends with us”</p>
<p>You know what I don’t understand??? I don’t understand why 2012 always claimed the world is going to end with them but their overgrown behinds aren’t even going to still be in high school!! I don’t get it. Class of 2013 are going to be the class that are technically “ending the world”. Sorry, just confused is all.</p>
<p>My suggestion for school was one I found on the internet that said “FRESH, FINE, AND F13RCE”</p>
<p>I feel like in the end, our motto will end up being something lame. :/</p>
<p>Yeah the 2012 ones about the world ending don’t make sense. They already graduated and we’re still alive haha</p>
<p>Our phrase is “DANGER, CLASS OF 2013”</p>
<p>I get goosebumps of embarrassment whenever I type it or hear it. LOL.</p>