2013 Clean Official Boarding Decisions and Applicant Stats/ECs

<p>Haha, spam their walls until they finally pin this thread up! :)</p>

<p>Hahahah yes!!

<p>Using computer mouses as weapons! XD</p>

<p>We’re so much more zealous than the posters in the 2012 clean acceptance thread; this is already in its second page!</p>

<p>True. Despite being the thread’s starter, iAmMe didn’t even post his stats. -.-</p>

<p>Yes! xD
We really are! I think we should stop posting here because its supposed to be the * clean* acceptance thread! LOL</p>

<p>Silverstag should really post a copy of this later…</p>

<p>@AmbiD77: The code for italics is * [/ i] without the spaces. :)</p>

<p>@GoldenRatio ya I completely forgot xD I haven’t italicized in ages!</p>

<p>@AmbiD77: <em>gasp</em> I love formatting things. Maybe that’s why I’m learning HTML code right now. :)</p>

<p>Hahahaha oh well! :)</p>

<p>10 or so hours left until Choate/Hotchkiss decisions !!! :0</p>

<p>:O :open_mouth: :open_mouth: I can’t wait!!!</p>

<p>I can’t either! …but I really should be going back to homework now. :p</p>

<p>Yes! I should too! bye :D</p>

<p>Haha, see ya! <em>notice that AmbiD77 is still online</em></p>

<p>Hahaha im always online because I have the app on my phone xD</p>

<p>Hahaha, you know what, I really do need to get back to homework now, so…sayonara! :)</p>

<p>BUMP! Anyone who has heard back please begin to post!</p>

<p>YAY 6 hours!</p>

<p>Six? For what school? 15 hours and 4 minutes for GoChoate! to open up with admission decisions.</p>

<p>6 for it to <em>officially</em> be MArch 9th :D</p>