2013 Clean Official Boarding Decisions and Applicant Stats/ECs


<p>Amen!! With Cupid hearts!!!</p>

<p>GR: How many times do we have to say it? LOVE THE SCHOOL THAT LOVES YOU! ;)</p>

<p>For Hotchkiss and or Hill does anyone know when the acceptance package arrives?</p>

<p>@ChoatieMom: Hahaha! :slight_smile: I am, I am!</p>

<p>@confusedonhades: Didn’t you say that Hotchkiss’s FedEx package would arrive by Monday in your case? Also, Choate sent out letters regarding financial aid grants today, so I suppose it could take a few days, depending on your location.</p>

<p>GoldenRatio: I had called FedEx three times because I was trying to figure out my Andover decision. The first guy said no later than Monday at 3 so this led me to believe I could get it before Monday. However I called FedEx this morning and the lady said Monday it would be delivered so I was just trying to see if anyone received theirs or maybe knows for sure. FedEx kind of confused me.</p>

<p>@GoldenRatio Yes! I’ll let you know tomorrow! :smiley: and thanks for all the comments!</p>

<p>@confusedonhades: Okay…I am of no position to help you, sorry!</p>

<p>@Mexstudent2013: I hope you’ll get better news tomorrow! :)</p>

<p>** Decision: Accepted Choate**
Decision: Waitlisted Exeter, SPS
Waiting for Andover, Deerfield</p>

[</em>] GPA Unweighted-Weighted: 3.8/4.2
[li] Rank: top 5-10% maybe? school doesn’t rank</p>[/li]

<p>[<em>] Essays: Essay were great I guess. I literally did 1 app per day during Christmas break, I felt bad about myself when I read about how people spent months working on theirs. Really emphasized my passion for international relations, languages, and Indian dance.
[</em>] Math Rec: never asked, but assuming to be great?
[<em>] English Rec: Great!
[</em>] Other Rec Rec: I read it, it was wonderfully written. Couldn’t have gotten better.
[<em>] Principal/Counselor Rec: Never saw it but she writes the college recs for seniors so it must have been good.
[</em>] Sports (if any): NOPE. School doesn’t have sports.
[<em>] Instruments (if any): Piano - 10 years, Violin - 8 years
[</em>] Other ECs (if any): Indian dance, leadership, scholar’s bowl, blah.
[li] Hook (if any): geographical location. I know that’s what Choate mentioned when they look at applicants. </p>[/li]

<p>[<em>] State or Country: ALABAMA. Roll tide.
[</em>] Current School Type: Public
[<em>] Ethnicity: Indian
[</em>] Gender: Female
[li] Grade: 10th</p>[/li]
<p>General Comments: Was pretty depressed when I saw waitlists, but I saw Choate and was completely shocked! Waiting for Andover and Deerfield though. If I get accepted to Andover, I’ll be going there; but for now, Choate Class of 2016! :slight_smile:</p>

<p>^ Hurry! Edit your post and delete the spaces! The formatting is wrong! NOW! :slight_smile: My perfectionism streak is kicking in!</p>

<p>Will Fededx still be sending Andover acceptances tommorow? That is the only school i am waiting on. I did not get anythingfrom the mail either</p>

<p>Hey my beloved CC’ers. I’ve been placed with the ultimate dilemma. I was accepted to two arch-rival schools, Woodberry and Episcopal, and I love both. What if there are too many schools that love you, and you don’t know which one to love?!? Both are similar and they are both AWESOME. WOW! Let me know</p>

<p>@EHSWFSMBURGHOPE: First, that is a long username. :smiley: Second, since I know nothing about either school, I will offer a timeless piece of advice: attend the revisit days! Or, ask current students at the schools you are considering; they can give you an insider’s view.</p>

<p>Good luck, and congrats!</p>

<p>GoldenRatio it’s no problem just trying to get some clarity</p>

<p>@confusedonhades: Tell us when you do get these packages, though! ;)</p>

<p>GoldenRatio: I’ll be sure to!</p>

<p>@GR thanks! I picked my username because of the three schools I applied to, Episcopal High School, Woodberry Forest School, and Mercersburg Academy. Thank god, I got into all three! They are all second tier hidden gems. In three years these schools may be considered HADES. I chose them because I knew I would have a better shot of getting in, and because they are not sink or swim environments. But u know Choate is pretty good too!!!</p>

<p>** Decision: Accepted at NMH **
**Decision: Rejected at Hotchkiss **</p>

[</em>] GPA Unweighted-Weighted:I’ll calculate it later!
[<em>] Rank:N/A
[</em>] Other stats:
[<em>] Essays:I wrote them an hour before the deadline… (which was dumb) My NMH essay was the best
[</em>] Math Rec: I’m not sure because he doesn’t like me.
[<em>] English Rec: Great!
[</em>] Other Rec Rec: Great!
[<em>] Principal/Counselor Rec: Great!
[</em>] Sports (if any): Soccer
[<em>] Instruments (if any): Nope
[</em>] Other ECs (if any):community service, student leader, and a couple writing competitions
[<em>] Hook (if any):Full pay
[</em>] State or Country: Pacific NW - USA
[<em>] Current School Type: Public
[</em>] Ethnicity: Chinese American
[<em>] Gender:F
[</em>] Grade:8th
[/ul]Other Factors: An incredible interview with the AO @ NMH.
General Comments: To next year’s applicants-do not, under any circumstance, procrastinate. Side Note: I’m still waiting to hear from Andover and Deerfield, but NMH has been my first choice since the start!</p>

<p>** Decision: Rejected at Andover, SPS, Hotchkiss, NMH, Lawrenceville, and probably Groton **</p>

[</em>] GPA Unweighted-Weighted: 97 unweighted average. 145 weighted
[<em>] Rank: 1/1
[</em>] Other stats: All AP/Honors. Otherwise taken at college
[<em>] Essays: Terrible. Wrote them all right before they were due. Though I did spend more time on some than others
[</em>] Math Rec: Great
[<em>] English Rec: Better than math
[</em>] Other Rec Rec: Better than English
[<em>] Principal/Counselor Rec: Good
[</em>] Sports (if any): Varsity 1st doubles tennis. County basketball free throw champion
[<em>] Instruments (if any): guitar, piano
[</em>] Other ECs (if any): a few clubs, religious figure, strong community service, competitive video gamer
[<em>] Hook (if any): hahahahhahahhaha i wish
[</em>] State or Country: over-represented state
[<em>] Current School Type: Public into Homeschool
[</em>] Ethnicity: Asian dammit
[<em>] Gender: Female
[</em>] Grade: Applying for 11
[/ul]Other Factors: Needed full FA
General Comments: I had great interviews at every school. I went in the summer when it wasn’t so busy and we talked for over 2 hours. Honestly not surprised at the results. But I do wish I had some control over certain factors. To those who make it in as an 11th grader, kudos to you. It’s tough. I will be attending a private local day school instead.</p>

<p>** Decision: accepted at Andover **
**Decision: waitlisted at Exeter, St. Paul’s, Hotchkiss, Choate, Groton, Deerfield **</p>

[<em>] SSAT/ISEE/TOEFL/PSAT: 97th percentile
[</em>] GPA Unweighted-Weighted: No idea! But I get As and A+s
[<em>] Rank:
[</em>] Other stats:
[<em>] Essays: Good? I thought?
[</em>] Math Rec: Average, methinks
[<em>] English Rec: Should be good - I’ve known her forever
[</em>] Other Rec Rec: I had the woman who teaches the therapeutic horseriding lessons I volunteer at write mine, should have been good.
[<em>] Principal/Counselor Rec: Had my principal do it - hope it was good?
[</em>] Sports (if any): None, other than horses.
[<em>] Instruments (if any): I play percussion, but I’m not particularly passionate about it and I didn’t talk about it much.
[</em>] Other ECs (if any): I draw and paint, I’ve been homeschooling myself in Latin for the past year, I’m in my school’s social robotics program as well as the literary magazine and school climate committee.
[<em>] Hook (if any):
[</em>] State or Country: Connecticut, in the US of A.
[<em>] Current School Type: Public school.
[</em>] Ethnicity: Whitey white white.
[<em>] Gender: Female
[</em>] Grade: Eighth
[/ul]Other Factors: My Andover interviewer really, really liked me - we emailed throughout the process. I needed quite a bit of financial aid to be able to attend, but I got a Tang Scholarship, which is actually completely and utterly amazing. I’m really really excited about attending Andover!
General Comments:</p>

<p>Do you think I can get of the waitlist???</p>